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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. 9% 1st time, took it again and managed to get 93%
  2. only took 3 months ? great service
  3. You said, how long have you been riding just out of intrest? go out with a couple of friends that don't actually ride trials and see if you can rope them in
  4. Didn't read the topic properly and assumed that it was a coffe jar lol
  5. Onza and CK do salt pot's aswell, onza ones probably cost a tenner and the CK ones probaably cost about £1000 cause there CNC'D lol, porsche do pipes aswell
  6. Can you STFU for once? you have posted 4 times in this topic and there all gay replies! any way, back on topic if i were you i would stay well clear of the onza, maybe spomething deng, get validated and check the classifieds!
  7. Never rode stock my self but the Koxx LB looks ridicoulous and the Pitbull would probably be the choice of most stock riders, i'd go for the Zoo!
  8. 2 weeks in ibiza, 2 blondes(lady ones) and 20 crates of beer and you WILL be laughing
  9. What do you mean "What?" he said it would be a nice while providing it was buil;t correctly and that you were told previousl;y by 2 people it would be ? and yes it is a nice if built correctly
  10. Pardon? Two tone purple and green
  11. Damn, quoted me before i could edit, o well
  12. Yet again another pointless, effortless topic, do it you're self ?
  13. Ignore me, not as fuinny as i thought
  14. here http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?act=boardrules
  15. Fresh bleed, decent pads and maybe a grind
  16. No for sale or wanted topics in NMC, read the rules! Reported
  17. You really want me to awnser that ?
  18. LMAO, yh innit, thr prpr cool, wrk reeli wel on ma da bomb
  19. Arn't ,agura louise's hydro and XT lever's cable?
  20. LMAO, the amount of times ive heard this one
  21. Look in the wiki, poor a kettle of boiling watetr oiver them aswell
  22. Noooooooooooo, was just expressing how i feel, most people probably dont feel the same
  23. Don't really like the idea of classing people as certain things because of how they dress and act, it's similar to racism
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