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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Apparently the 03 lite had a disc mount
  2. No, i'm just being an asshole and did'nt read the topic properyl, he means stock not mod
  3. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....amp;hl=knurling
  4. Surely a front rim's a "20 and the rears "19? there fore youre fukked unless you use a rear disk or hav the mounts modded?
  5. LMAO, it's the filter, it changes for the win to ***
  6. Being "5,2 and it having a WB of a barge doesnt help though
  7. Personal preference i suppose, not too sure i like it actually feel's reeeeel long, might grow on me, meh...... Santa has me a dengura in his sack of treats
  8. I have recently noticed my frame smell's of shit. Are you being serious? and the whole "WB" thing is pretty annoying, not intentionally having a dig, just a few hints really, mod's and admin's won't appreciate it.
  9. Slightly off topic but what is THE largest rotor, could be XC or whatever, just intrested.
  10. I expected you to own a dinosaur or something.
  11. Trials-UK sell them i believe.
  12. Slightly off topic, what's the difference between the normal magura and the " firm-tech" edition ?
  13. Mine's amazing, sound's realy loud and hasnt skipped on me
  14. Ye, no pad's or front brake lol, simpson, with out starting a bitch fest what make's you say that ?
  15. Plus Equal's no more captain cave men
  16. Ahhhh, thank's any more for anymore ?
  17. Why not? spin's for effing ages, seem's pretty reliable to me aswell and was cheap lol
  18. Chainsaw's are becoming too mainstream now, theres no originallity
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