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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Zona zedd fork's would look nice, or some silver lite's? and maybe a team stem ?
  2. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....p;#entry1404318 Any good ?
  3. I like snow and all, but the summer is THE best time in the world, i cannot but enough emphasis on how much i LOVE the summer lol
  4. And there was some thing about Flood warning's on TV this morning
  5. How ever hard Dan tries, it will never be an echo 05 rim
  6. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummaryGave me an awsome Price for both and allowed me to Pay over a certain period of time. Given By: Adam-Griffin You were the: Seller Date: 1199284198
  7. Very brave, i Would'nt dare take a can of paint to such a new frame, well doon though, look's Great though.
  8. Adam-Griffin


    Ye they do, expensive coffe at that.
  9. Adam-Griffin


    Can any one imagine tarty selilng bread?! " New to tartybike's is the 08 Deng wholemeal bread, includes CNC'd Crust's, and available in either anodized brown or white*. *we do NOT advise the use of this product In wet condition and colours may differ from Pictures
  10. PM them? And How do they know you've changed? it's been what a week? and You're causing more trouble and being rude.
  11. Yes, There probably ignoring you for a reason, Since about A month ago you have caused loads of shit On TF, why woudl they want to help you ?
  12. "Just because you have admin next to your name. You think your the best. Again: Just like policeman." Oh dear, i suggest you make a Quick edit charlie, And they don't have to change it for you, if they do it's out of the kindness of there heart, and to be fair speaking to them like shit is NOT going to help Mate. Edit: You're Sig, Is ridicoulous !
  13. The Onza part's completely ruin it,The ugliest Team I've ever seen, Sorry.
  14. Are they special in any way? Would ordinary Bolt's that size not work ?
  15. They needed to get something right.
  16. I've ben looking on that site for Month's not knowing it's been updated
  17. http://www.vizbikes.co.uk/trialsuk/v2/product/gu_pads Any good to you ?
  18. I'm usin echo Pad's on the rear at the miunte, Try-all rim, dead grind and the're amazing, really good hold and one hell of a squeek.
  19. Thought it said the 5Th, either that or it's been edited
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