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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Not the best punctation/spelling, but better than what it was.... Ringing Tarty-Bike's would be the best bet.
  2. Are;nt the Try-all punching bar's 25.4?
  3. It's basically Icharlie's live webcam site
  4. Thank me, i told ben about it
  5. Yep, and guess Who made it ?
  6. For people that Can't read it.......
  7. On ebay, yes. On here i doubt you would get that as alot of the part's are probably outdated.
  8. Oh, sorry, i just never heard anything on TF about it and was unaware of who he was.
  9. Without sounding insenstive, who was he ?
  10. I think that's what his previous set-up was...
  11. In before the close Oh, and Btw, You are infact a Twat.
  12. I would report it, but im sure it's been done already, more than once i'd imagine aswell, ????
  13. Pad's are mainly made out of a substance called polyurathane---http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyurethane And rear disk's can crack frame's, but don't always. Edit:Link didn't work, try this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyurethane
  14. Deng must really hate mod rider's Look's ok, not keen on the bash though.........
  15. They all do it apparantly, there was a few thread's about it about a month ago, do you realise you're a full member now ?
  16. Don't mission's have abnormal size headtubes? If so then you might aswell get a new frame, i know of absolutely no trials specific forsk's with mission size tubes.......
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