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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Not too far from me, from wantage, Who do you ride with ? U got msn ?

  2. Just about everything, Spoke to him on MSN and the train's gonna cost him £35 so he isnt going
  3. Trials UK Store Sell some decent chain's and are pretty good on delivery.
  4. Every one shop at trials-uk Awsome service.
  5. Won't be there Have no BB and No possible way of getting there
  6. In the space of 14 minute's the error has been amended, What a great site
  7. Can get to France as a foot passanger for £18 return and you can take the bike, can i When you planning on going ?
  8. The second one's a T-vee.
  9. Did you hear the Joke about the Butter? I won't tell you lot because you'll Spread it
  10. Gotta be an online shop ?
  11. Dave only ride's the best, KO and oxford would be better actually
  12. I used to live in Germany, Was some awsome spot's there, Place called Gutersloh was possibly the best place i have ever ridden in my life, seriously is amazing !!!!!
  13. Kinder-Egg toy's are the shit, take 'em apart, rebuild them, take e'm apart, rebuild them, and so on.......
  14. he said that the £15 he sent in the post "got lost" well, willy wonka did and from what i have been told, there one in the same.....
  15. It's been mentioned before:Knurling topic And again;other topic about Knurling And again;Other other topic about knurling I think people alway's found Problem's....
  16. IF Grant was "willy wonka" before he was banned, then i dare say he has ripped you off, he told me he would send £15 for a front magura, week later he says he sent it in the post box and it hadnt arrived so i was ripping him off.......
  17. Possibly, may tell you it need's amputating, You never know until you've seen one, i went a while ago about my dodgy7 shoulder, thought i'd just pulled a muscle, turn's out i'd Torn a tendon or something, had to go to hospital and every thing, better to be safe than sorry
  18. Have you spoke to Phsyio? if not then maybe go to the doctor's?
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