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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Un-fortunatly, Yes. Not only Does he make absolute shite music but he's one of these people that delibretaly goes out of there way to spell things wrong e.g: Boi Luff Etc
  2. Song-Soulja boy.I'm embarresed to listen to it, when it's on i think people are laugthing at me lol.
  3. Was going to post little, insignificant things that weren't too bad but not good either but upon reading Some of the more serious things in here Such as loosing relatives and near death experiences has made me realise that my life hasn't been too bad up until now *Touch's wood*
  4. Will meet you lot there if i do go, will speak to you about it nearer the date (Y)(Y)
  5. Point being ? Have a badger for you're intelligence :badger: :badger: Infact, have five
  6. And i should get on as a child If you and the abingdon crewage go which station will you go from ?
  7. Does wait really make that much difference? Seems to me that these days people are doing ridiculous and expensive things to shave of a few grams which would lose the equivelant to having a shite before riding.
  8. How much is the train ? Might go if i have the money and a bike.
  9. Is the Two piece construction for better heat diseperation (sp)?
  10. Aren't two piece rotors floating rotors?
  11. I found a Camera almost exactly the same as that yesterday tom
  12. I be bored, right now, any one fancy a game ?
  13. Heading down tommorrow night, should be riding by hopefulyy thusday so anyone up for it ?
  14. I could sell you mine Edit: KEttle of boiling water and a big hammer
  15. Riding was good but song was ghey.
  16. Why have you posted that in chit-chat rather than Trials chat ?
  17. Napster? Kazza? Just some that the GF suggested, never used them personally, however, i have used newzbin which i believe is legitimate? Correct me if im wrong and I'll edit, if not i'll post a link.....
  18. Is it wrong that I almost fell of my chair laughing at that ?
  19. I'm sure the original was closed for a reason.
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