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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Exactly, little things That need/ could do with been improved/ modified and maybe make him some more moneys lol.
  2. Have read a fair few post's on here about people wanting frames with Rear disc mounts AND 4-bolt mounts and Improvements for deng's Components so thought it might be an idea to Email him or write to him with our ideas ? Just an idea and maybe won't work but it might so post away.... Any one got Deng's e-mail adress/ Factory address?
  3. Why do the CS's look so big ?
  4. 06 GU typhooooooon When it arrives. Why say custom spec ? Almost every ones bike is....
  5. Still is. Im sure theres similar versions on tinternet, Any one remember Busta moove on playstation 1 ?
  6. If theres a chance of possible sexy time, then yes.
  7. But had nothing to do with marriage. Chuck norris isn't allowed in a church as jesus feels threatened by his presence? Also, are we marrying all of them at the same time ?
  8. *Awaits Chuck norris fact* And surely it has nothing to do with money, you wmarry the guy with the bigest
  9. Didn't Think of that, maybe put that on the back and Just have trials forum on the front ?
  10. Gordon brown Ben-Leacock Last but not least, Myself.
  11. Maybe just the "Trials-forum bit would do, with the "www" and ".co.uk" It would make you look like a bit of a Geek. I like Ash' idea, looks simple and not too serious which in my opinion is what We/I would buy, some thing with a Hint of stupidity maybe ? Also, might it be an idea to make a new topic dedicated to the design of this T-Shirt/Hoody/Thong ? I like the idea of the Display names aswell as it would make each one individual and people would be known at rides, for the sake of £2 or £3 for some transfer Shizzle i think it's worth it. All my opinion's of course =]
  12. Adam-Griffin


    Looks nice, Is it the short ? Can't wait for mine to arrive =]
  13. The idea about having the Display name on the sleeve is awesome, i always go to rides and see people and think "what's there TF name?"
  14. Who can spot the Key-word?
  15. An argument over a screen name, what next.......
  16. *** has become some sort of new trend now, On my MSN contact list theres 8 people with it in there screen name haha
  17. Genius mike, Didn't thinkof doing that haha. Bike looks fit, whats with the red tape on the X-over though ?
  18. I don't care if it's 10000 miles away, you're coming end of . As i said before, if Money's Ok, i'll be there.
  19. I'll give you chav.......
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