I know This isn't really the place to discuss this but i dont really know what i want to do when i leave school (May the 10th). Since i was about 14 i've wanted to Join the army in the special forces department, i havn't really done that much reasearch into it but my Dad's in the army and it seems to have done him well in life, good money, good accomodation, Great pension etc etc But i was speaking to my mum about it and shes advised me to Consider the RAF or the Navy as it's the same kind of career i'm looking for but apparently you get treated MUCH better, the army often seem to cock my dads pay up, moving dates and stuff like that, also my mum said that when i get posted after my training etc My Girlfrend ( Who i hope to spend the rest of my life with) won't be able to come with me unless were married and i'm not sure about getting married at 16/17 as after 2 years with her i can't be certain if it's the real thing. Was just wondering really if theres any one on here in either of the above three trades that could shed abit of light into the ssubject and explain some advantages and disadvantages of each just to make it a little clearer fo me, I'm not deciding the rest of my life upon what Forum members say but it may help me come to a decision as i'm running out of time. To any one replying, if you havnt got anything useful to say, please don't post, for those who have some useful opinions, thank you in advance. Adam.