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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Adam-Griffin


    Do that and i garuntee he will make a new account. Thats the B.E.A.Uty of blacklisitng
  2. Never in my life have i hooked Havent ridden it hard atall, i prefer it at that geo but just can't understand why
  3. Personal preference really, the Teams have the CNC booster which the echo doesnt but the lite has a rear disc mount. Team is also heavier but only slightly, all depends what you prefer and if you have the extra £70
  4. Why do some people feel the need to just keep agravating the situation ? Every other topic these days seems to have an argument in it, there should be some kind of rule where you receive warn for arguing. Serioulsy guys, grow up And why is there/was there 3 mods watching this topic a minute ago and only one now with no close ?
  5. I was discussing this with Dan on Monday, on paper my GU is supposed to mesure up at 1025 but for some reason it's 1035 Didn't the 06 only come in one length ?
  6. £10000 says you don't ?
  7. Please don't And how have we gone from arguing about a topic being closed to taking the piss out off Kearns for no aparant reason ?
  8. Under no circumstances is it, unless pants gets laid, lobster dog is banned
  9. You do realise lobsterdog is as immature and un-cool as pokemon cards?
  10. Wheres the 'who cares' option ?
  11. Who the f**k are you ?

  12. Personally, i don't understand all that sort of stuff and i dare say alot of people on here won't. How will it benefit us ?
  13. But who has the time to do that ? no one is going to buy a heep of shite for £130 just for some rims are they ? Dan KO's rims are supposed to be here mid march anyway
  14. Should be released about the same time as the new 08 czar and adamant frames, mid april i do believe
  15. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Bad Rating SummaryI quote "done i will have it please adam" tells me he will post the moey, 5 days later i asked him to return my PMs in a topic and he tells me he isn't intrested anymore and makes a joke about it, highly recomended not to deal with, very in Given By: Adam-Griffin You were the: Seller Date: 1206479321
  16. Any one know roughly how high that drop near the white walls in oxford is ?
  17. Copy the link and paste it ? Or alternativley click the button next to the smileys and insert it
  18. Adam-Griffin


    Theres always the old stink bombs eh ?
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