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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. You coming sunday aswell dave ? Might turn up, doubt it considering where riding sunday
  2. Might be able to get a renault 5 for like £50 by that time
  3. I move to N.ireland on the 12th Going to have to see how much it would be to get a plane there and back as this ride is THE ride of the year and under no circumstances will i miss it
  4. Still on considering theres one on the 5th ?
  5. All the negative feedback is in the Neutral and the neutral is in the negative
  6. Don't alot of them use Hydro discs though ?
  7. Nothing seems to be showing from you Kris Although it does say Latestfeedback given by :Kris boats
  8. Just left you some for some chocolate Worked fine, just put www.trials-forum.co.uk for the URL
  9. Just left you some for some chocolate Worked fine, just put www.trials-forum.co.uk for the URL
  10. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating Summaryleft the poor thing to walk on its own... Given By: Adam-Griffin You were the: Seller Date: 1206898477
  11. Shall do Edit: tried it again Using This topic and it still shows on the older one apposed to the new version, negative doesn't work but positive does
  12. There made for 2 finger use apposed to 1 for a start
  13. I left you some and it seems to have worked, no broeken links etc You may want to delete it though Edit:Take that back, it;s not displaying on the new version, it's on the older feedback thing but i deffinatly left it on the BETA version
  14. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Bad Rating SummaryDidn't arrive Given By: Adam-Griffin You were the: Seller Date: 1206898028
  15. Hungover Skint Broken my rear wheel TF is addictive
  16. Possibly the most annoying comment ever ? It's bullshit ...
  17. Adam-Griffin1@msn.com

    £5 posted if youre intrested, ass thatv adress :)

  18. Not sure about Pro II's but i took my echo freewheel apart and bent the springs and put thinner lube in a\nd it's loud as feck now
  19. Considered getting in touch with Dan before you come on here and chat shit about his business ?
  20. Adam-Griffin


    Bite my nails loads. I twitch loads Brish my teeth 4 times a day I'v always got to have something in my pocket to play with.
  21. Adam-Griffin


    Jesus christ, it amazes me how much profit companies make like that. I'm just being a cheapskate as the bionic/zhi and stuff is dirt cheap already lol. Cheers for that, if you want to PM me or something that would be great
  22. Adam-Griffin


    Any one know of any form of loopholes where i can get this sort of stuff cheaper than it is now ? People living abroad etc ?
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