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Adam-Griffin last won the day on June 11 2010

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About Adam-Griffin

  • Birthday 03/14/1992

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  • Real Name
    Adam Griffin
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    Panama, Republic of

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  1. Adam-Griffin


    Watched despicable me 2 at the weekend, was super cool. Better than the first one. Monster university funny too. Watched the impossible the other week too which was very good. It's incredibly hard to watch to begin with but if you can make it through it's very rewarding.
  2. Mine were both fine when water bled, but from what i gather it's just pot luck whether they'll leak or not.
  3. Ahaaa i think you might be right, never even heard of it until now but doing some googling it seems very likely to be that. Thanks alot, you've put my mind at rest
  4. Tried it out, feels pretty odd so i changed it back haha. Had a look and all the bearings actually seem ok, it's just the pivot bolt thats rounded, and the spacer(s) that sit in between where the swing arm mounts to the bearings, hence the rocking movement Can't find the kit anywhere either, crc don't stock the one for the 2005 model. Super annoying, don't really know what else to do haha
  5. To be honest I can't help but think it's been an issue for a while, but was brushed and washed before we moved in. I just can't think of anything that we would of done to contribute to it... There's another house on the other side, so no drains to check. I'll get some mold killer and take it from there i think, it's just pretty terrifying how quickly it's creeping up the stairs into my house lol. Thanks!
  6. So I moved into my house In September last year, and since November sort of time I've noticed that my cellars got a real issue with mold. It's an old house, built in 1906, was a 2 up 2 down with a medium sized cellar that covers about half of the ground floor,which has has a small room, corridor and a stair case.The house has had a kitchen extension and a loft conversion done if that makes any difference. It's been looked after over the years, but has some issues that I'd expect with an old house like un-even floors, crap wall consistency etc. But all in all it's in pretty good condition. Now I'm not expecting the cellar to be bone dry, i only really use it for stuff like storing/fixing my bike, storing stuff for the tip, keeping paint etc etc, but I'm pretty concerned about this with having a 3 year old, and another baby due in October, as i can't help but think the spores can't be good for the kids.. Is there any one on here that has any experience or suggestions? I considered just sticking a respirator on, brushing it down and bleaching the walls but i can't help but think thats not such a good idea haha.. Would it be a good idea to call in a mold specialist? I've taken a few photos of it: It's also making the plaster on the walls go to shit and exposing the red brick underneath it. Any help would be gratefully appreciated Thanks in advance.
  7. I thought that might be the case, never really bothered to check anything like that when i picked it up haha. It could do with a new shifter anyway, so not a real issue. Thanks!
  8. Might be this actually, although i have a feeling the pads may be contaminated. Yeah you're right, coilair just sounds cooler haha. I'm planning on upgrading the drive train pretty soon actually, will deffinately have a look at the SLX stuff, thanks The first time I pull it theirs absolutely no power at all, lever to the bars and it's barely working at all. Takes about 3-5 pulls before it works but then it goes from no power, to pretty much full power straight away... How would i go about cleaning the pads/rotor up? Went out on it last night and all of a sudden something felt really odd in the cranks/chain device/Bottom bracket department. Got home and had a look, and it seems the pivot bolt (i guess thats what it's called?) on the rear swing arm has lost a spacer, any ideas where i'd get a new one? Also is there any chance the issue i'm having with the gears could be because I have a 9spd cassette, but only a 7spd shifter? Also noticed the chain device is f**ked, needs replacing. Last thing; Theirs two mounting holes on the bottom of my frame for the rear shock, one is slightly higher up and more forward than the other, what difference would each one make to how the bike rides? Sorry for all the questions, some of them probably seem pretty stupid!
  9. Maybe a pressure washer?
  10. The rear M4 is making an awful screeching sound when i first use it, after 10 minutes or so it stops. Any ideas?
  11. Yeah you're right, just check the ad from where i bought it and thats what they are. Thanks
  12. Picked this up this morning, first downhill/free ride bike I've ever owned so It'll most deffinately do for now. Been out on it twice now for about an hour each time, and i can honestly say I've never had more fun on a bike.. I'm having a few issues with the rear mech, but apart from that and the fact that i cannot for the life me get the grips off it seems pretty perfect so far! Spec is, to the best of my knowledge: Kona Coilair frame Marzzochi Junior T's Dmr stem Sunline bars Race face cranks Shimano olivio rear mech Fox shock Hope M4's Superstar hubs, can't remember what rims.. Tioga factory Dh tyres
  13. Adam-Griffin


    Man on a ledge was really good i i though, not the best acting in the world but i really enjoyed it. In time was good, again the acting wasn't fantastic but it had a really good story line. Haywire was ok, but not memorable for any reason i found. Hanna was really good, wasn't too fond on the ending but all in all it was entertaining with a decent story line.
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