I have to say, the comp was brilliant, As was the riding before, during and after. It was so well organised, and the comp was so well run, that despite the turnout, it was really a very good event. The obstacles were very well made, and also very well thought out. It was far from the build quality of the things at the last event, when it was literally thrown together in a few hours.
It was quite a mission to get up there, but well worth it. It was a real let down having such a small turnout, theres not really much excuse if you commit to it and then dont turn up. Theres really nothing much else to do on easter day, except watch tv. even if you have family round, why get them to come aswell, and get them to do something new.
Hopefully we can have a far bigger turnout at the next one, and really make it something to remember. Surely if it was that good with so little people, it can be even better with more.
Well done Tom for sorting everything out, and also well done for every who turned up and rode, and supported the event.