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Andrew Smith

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Everything posted by Andrew Smith

  1. that was amazing as usual cant wait for the full vid! you back with tartys now then? Andrew.
  2. that would be a little to obvious...... sorry pal
  3. it IS european trust me and yes it is a ford, but its possibly the most unexpected ford going
  4. jarrod already knows this so its someone elses go
  5. beaten to it... cheer jarrod and yes it is a bloody tricky one i have made a very nice list of cars to post up in here whilst i had some spair time a lunch lol anyway,keep thinking......
  6. i know 110% its a ford and nope no gran torino......
  7. EASY!!! 1959 cadillac cyclone concept car
  8. what country? OR year of production?
  9. hehe 'tis ok the 'newer' style niva's are pretty much the same cars
  10. me not dickhead! i'm not sure on this one i looks very much like some sort of kit car=me no fuk all about kit cars to be honest i'm more of a old english/american car person
  11. I have a fair few idols that i could list.. BUT the one person who i have massive respect for deserves a mention... Alistair clarkson (Ali C!) the man can ride any style on any bike and make it look good Andrew
  12. jesus christ somebodys improved tooo fast, i remember when you could only just about backhop WHAT IS IN THE WATER IN HERNE BAY! nice one Andrew
  13. nice bit of racism there! anyway heatsink whites=VICEGRIP! heatsink yellows=JAWLOCK! proberbly allready on there though ,but hey its in the nature of the brake pads have a good day all Andrew
  14. or i stop giving him massive clues on msn about my ones
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