beaten to it... cheer jarrod and yes it is a bloody tricky one i have made a very nice list of cars to post up in here whilst i had some spair time a lunch lol anyway,keep thinking......
me not dickhead! i'm not sure on this one i looks very much like some sort of kit car=me no fuk all about kit cars to be honest i'm more of a old english/american car person
I have a fair few idols that i could list.. BUT the one person who i have massive respect for deserves a mention... Alistair clarkson (Ali C!) the man can ride any style on any bike and make it look good Andrew
nice bit of racism there! anyway heatsink whites=VICEGRIP! heatsink yellows=JAWLOCK! proberbly allready on there though ,but hey its in the nature of the brake pads have a good day all Andrew