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Andrew Smith

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Everything posted by Andrew Smith

  1. well i am only 15 but my dad is 41 and he has a play around on my bike every now and then just for fun he aint no good at it but he likes it he was thinking of getting a trials bike because he just simpily enjoys it but trials is a sport not a fun game that you grow out of like hide and seek lol hear that trials is even going to be in the olympics in 2012
  2. i think it looks CRAP! the old one looked so much better also think the frame dropout idea is bad because that means that the frame probebly wouldnt take hd axle chris king funbolts
  3. be rationonal and if that dont work RAISE HELL! i hope everything gets sorted properly though
  4. pm dan6061 on here i think he might be able to help you out
  5. browsing the forum cant be assed to go to bed
  6. i thank you a lot for posting that up that has truely made my day
  8. not trying to sound like a woman beater or anything because i obviously aint one but if i saw that happen in front of me i would punch her in the face and kick her in the fanny because that aint right that is extremely upsetting to watch and damn right f*cking out of order and very crual and just so heartless she doesnt deserve to have that child no matter what happend before she did that to her that kid is a 3 year old human not a bloody car for f*ck sake!
  9. a crashes and bails section in trials videos and trialstube
  10. look at that bb drop they look nice but i bet they ride like a very old pensioner with piles=yuck
  11. < FITTIE ALERT FITTIE ALERT > keep them cranks they look well nice on there and they are very strong and if they aint broke dont fix them but thats just my P.O.V p.s nearly cum when i saw these pics
  12. hearn bay is good and medway or faversham is exellent if you are a learner
  13. i live in faversham i am 1 of 2 riders there but dont know the other guy that well
  14. nice orange aswell so does that mean you dont want your inspired if so i will give you a tenner and a shag for it
  15. weight=19.6st hight=6.1ft
  16. almost forgot to comment last time but your ridings stylish but sketchy just practice on your balance a tiny tiny bit more and you will be the donkeys b*llocks
  17. it still is my back up plan if the crack that i have just had rewelded dont last
  18. ahem! http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=535
  19. Andrew Smith


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