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Andrew Smith

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Everything posted by Andrew Smith

  1. you ride the ozonys much better and it is unreal how bouncy and smoooth your riding is
  2. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=118121
  3. Andrew Smith


    best vid ever thanks alot
  4. right i know this is a very old bump but i would rather do this than make a new topic but does anybody still have this vid because i cant find it so if anyone still has this vid could they please upload it to trialstube thanks
  5. nah trust me mate i wasnt lieing my family and freinds think that i am some sort of freak because i can drink so much but some 17 year old girl i know can drink about the same amount and not be completely pissed so
  6. Andrew Smith


    did you find it
  7. ok so when is this going to happen then
  8. Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload
  9. i am up for it any day is good for me really
  10. yesterday i was just about to drop off of a 6ft glass bottle recycling container and my bb snapped just before i was just about to drop i had to jump over the bar to the floor shit me right up i would have though the bb would have had more chance of breaking on landing weird or what i am just happy i came out un hurt
  11. i have found what everyone was looking for >> http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....amp;hl=knurling
  12. well that is because the front end is lighter lol
  13. you sir are a skilled and powerfull rider and the music went with the vid
  14. an old bump i know but when are the mono busters going to be on sale and have you got any more information on them like the spacing and such thank Andrew
  15. i would love to know more about these and the mono buster
  16. cool medway is lush to ride so when do you fancy a ride then
  17. because he is cool my love>>> http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....p;#entry1506675
  18. im ok thanks mate dont really like ramsgate
  19. i have smoked for just over a year i smoke about 10 mayfair superkings a day i enjoy smoking when riding but i am planning to stop smoking as i have good self control plus smoking aint very good for you and it sertainly aint the wisest thing to do either but smoking is a definately a personal opinion i dont like the fact that i smoke but i enjoy smoking it calms me down as i have a extemely short fuse and i am not bragin but i am a very big fella so at the end of the day if you smoke you smoke if you dont you dont simple as really
  20. but isnt there allready enough drilled rims out
  21. i live in faversham so not that far away from you
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