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Everything posted by mini-yanni

  1. brighton. always full o' riders, especially int summer. the seafronts always a giggle and you usually get an audience...
  2. yer and the 24seven hloroyd is a 26" and the bikes you mentioned are 20" . i like them but i wouldn't say they're good starters
  3. it's the second ammendment people and no american would give up the rights allowed by the constituition. anyway guns don't kill, people do (or rappers if you are familiar with GLC). on a funnier note though did anyone see the fat police officer running on the news. wat a twat. he did absoloutley f**k all to help. anyway R.I.P
  4. that is a plan. just need a smart well presented person to blag the cash. anyone??(you need to be over eighteen)
  5. wat gives you that idea... o and if you get the mike mobile i gotta have a ride...
  6. yer it's good O yer 'unstable' mike is trying to sell his bike again... and again i am interested. anyhooooo the video is quite nice. (i take it unstable mike is the 'haywards heath also rides dirt mike??)
  7. ride it and the brake will naturally start working. there is probably something written above or in the small print about it takes 50 stops or so to get it going...
  8. yers because i'm completely impartial.
  9. nice photoshop. i'm guessing it's the one you were talking about??
  10. nice i like do you come from bmxing? just asking ^^^ becasue of the oddysey stuff.
  11. they have a spellchecker for a reason oh and your link doesn't work
  12. well aren't you lucky???? although it is quite nice...
  13. 'Bonjour' if you are french stop reading. if you aren't then be ashamed...
  14. you speak better english than most people here.
  15. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/category.php?id=32 take your pick...
  16. actually http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cuo7BslZXz8...ted&search= it helps
  17. or is there something/one stopping you? i suggest pallets plywood and a burnt out old car...
  18. nice. i wouldn't progress that quickly well done.
  19. ok start at the begining and just get used to pedaling onto the back wheel, locking the brake and finding the sweet spot on the back wheel. then get used to the motion of pedal ,in little jabs, brake ,pedal,brake,pedal,brake so on so forth... then when you got that down get onto the back wheel pedal hard and as you do so tuck up your legs a little way and pull up with you arms a little bit and push forward then pump down lock the brake and repeat. or just watch videos on youtube and see how people do them. hope that helped
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