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About jack219

  • Birthday 11/19/1989

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    United Kingdom

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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. There are 3 of us that live in Bristol and ride 2/3 time a week. Feel free to come along for ride
  2. Spent the last 6 months riding regularly in Bristol with James, Hadn't realised quite how much footage we had until it came to putting this together! Enjoy!
  3. jack219


    I do that too , the videos don't do justice to how ridiculously silly some of those lines are, especially brakeless!
  4. Thanks for sharing man, forgot to post it here! Ryan
  5. Hey man, Ben comes up to ride occasionally. I'm out riding 2/3 times a week in Bristol, other than Ben it's only me that's left here now...if you ever want to meet up to ride let me know! Ryan
  6. Nice vid man, rider level is irrelevant though, come for a roll around Bristol, we can probably help with a few things too!
  7. I'd be keen to ride somewhere inbetween melksham and Bristol?
  8. +1, I usually stick an hour plus mix on, jungle/dub. I find myself more motivated with music
  9. jack219

    Round 3

    Great video man. It's insane how good Charlie is!
  10. That's just filthy
  11. i could ride the 22nd in bristol with you
  12. Hey man, I usually ride Sunday evening. And Monday and Tuesday daytimes. Send me a pm with your number man and we can sort out meeting up for a ride.
  13. Yeah man, we're out regularly in Bristol
  14. Hey dude, there's 2 of us that ride regularly in Bristol, send me a pm and we can organise something!
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