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Everything posted by *PHIL*

  1. dont think that will work as i made it myself. though i dunno how that thing works, maybe its someone sitting listening but i thought it would be based on the sound waves it receives or something. im making a mixdown to post on here in a min
  2. well i hope its not already a song cause i just finished making my version... if it is ill just say its a remix
  3. I may have written it then, its been in my head all week and I made that last night after not being able to find the song in my head. I'm SURE its already a song though!
  4. well, I've been up for hours trying to find out what song this is... Link to song on my website... called the white russian Phil Thomas - Music Stuff I may have written it myself, so I dunno, if you know if its already a song, tell me...
  5. those programs are really good, but they are just html editors, i only know very basic html. any kind of WYSIWYG editors around? ill have a google too.. may just use dreamweaver.. edit1* just found this, looks like front page.. anyone used it? edit2* its rubbish
  6. yeah i used iweb, it was quite good but there was a few things i couldnt do on it. rapidweaver looks good though ill try that, thanks!
  7. can anyone recommend a decent html/web design program for macs? something similar to front page, but not dreamweaver, i dont like the way it works.
  8. no no, you're wrong... if it didnt have the right loops etc, it would say, 'i dont have the right loops'. i know what happens when samples are missing. and like i say ive tried it on an identical copy of reason 2.5 and its the same
  9. I was in college today and started this track in reason 2.5 on the G4's or whatever they are, old crappy macs... It was just general synth, bass drums etc with some external drum samples used, nothig too crazy. I saved it to my memory stick, the add file extension was checked, and when i got it home to open it in reason 4 on my intel mac mini it says, 'the operation cant be completed due to a media related problem'. ive tried installing reason 2.5 on my OLD pc laptop and it says the same kinda thing. Ive transfered things this way before with no probs. anyone got any ideas, its saved on the college comps but not gonna be back for a month now. the file is located here if anyone can open it or anything?? >>>FILE<<< PHIL
  10. i have 3 reports mostly the same. this is the lastest... Sat Dec 8 00:53:49 2007 panic(cpu 1 caller 0x0039CD77): "m_free: freeing an already freed mbuf"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-1228.0.2/bsd/kern/uipc_mbuf.c:2742 Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack) 0x219e3708 : 0x12b0e1 (0x455670 0x219e373c 0x133238 0x0) 0x219e3758 : 0x39cd77 (0x48e03c 0x1 0x3da5d01c 0x360c630) 0x219e3798 : 0x39d073 (0x1cfaa000 0x0 0x219e37b8 0x3d085ca8) 0x219e37b8 : 0x9ea821 (0x1cfaa000 0x0 0x20 0xa46f1c) 0x219e38e8 : 0x9f39e5 (0x1 0x0 0x3d0433d0 0x3d085d24) 0x219e3c08 : 0x9f893a (0x129522c8 0x0 0x219e3c38 0x3d9e57) 0x219e3de8 : 0x9f9fb1 (0x129522c8 0x0 0x219e3f08 0x127206) 0x219e3f18 : 0x41d149 (0x12952000 0x3113680 0x1 0x19ccc1) 0x219e3f68 : 0x41c2a6 (0x3113680 0x31e9da4 0x31e9d7c 0x0) 0x219e3f98 : 0x41bf88 (0x311c8c0 0x0 0x219e3fc8 0x125f51) 0x219e3fc8 : 0x19e2ec (0x311c8c0 0x0 0x1a10b5 0x31e9d60) Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0 Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies): com.apple.driver.AirPort.Atheros(300.22)@0x9c5000->0xa4ffff dependency: com.apple.iokit.IO80211Family(200.7)@0x9a7000 dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.4)@0x6b7000 dependency: com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily(1.6.0)@0x6c7000 BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task Mac OS version: 9B18 Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 9.1.0: Wed Oct 31 17:46:22 PDT 2007; root:xnu-1228.0.2~1/RELEASE_I386 System model name: Macmini2,1 (Mac-F4208EAA)
  11. 1 week old, no apple shop for miles around
  12. there is no 3rd party ram in the mac, no dodgy ipod, EVERYTHING is brand new, is there any way i can actually test the ram or hard drive? ive been told about 1000 times that 'it could be your ram or hdd'. could it be anything to do with the way to external is formatted? im gonna format it using the mac disk tools ting today and see if that helps. it may be the external but as i say, its brand new and is definately mac compatible so.. thankns, phil
  13. yeah 1gb, newest version of the mini, core 2 duo 2ghz. was using reason 4 when it crashed and azureus, mail, msn. its crashed when using only front row before too.
  14. no i just mean all my documents.. all the apps are on the internal but i use it for making music so it constantly using the external.. everything is brand new too, its all compatible, mac mini, WD mybook premium..
  15. Thought i solved it but i'm still getting these kernel panics. its the most annoying thing ever, its so random i have no idea where to start.. Ive tried doing the hardware tests on the cd i got with the mac, opened up the case to see if the ram was in ok but couldn't get to the ram without taking it to pieces which i'm not gonna do. tried using it with no usb/firewire stuff connected except the mouse and keyboard and my external hdd(would have disconnected theat buy EVERYTHING is on there so all i could do is turn the os on and sit there). its not like im trying to do anything crazy with the computer, it just crashed now when i was doing some music in reason (lost all my work) and downloading off the web at the same time. i cant think what else it could possibly be, i have no dodgy software. i think it could be the external drive as thats all thats left but i wouldnt know how to test it and know for sure. and if it is, what can be done? ive switched from using usb to firewire for the drive, seems faster but still getting these restart messages.. any more suggestions anyone?
  16. *PHIL*

    Music Makers?

    Maybe its just me but i don't quite get what you mean by this, what exactly is wrong with what you make? If it just doesn't sound 'right' and like the the music you want to make then maybe you just don't know the music well enough... I find I can only make music of the genres i have been listening to for a long time. e.g. i could never make a hip hop track cause I don't listen to it, I wouldn't really know in detail how its constructed, but having been listening to punk or trance for years I can make a track fairly easily. Something I used to do when i first started making music was to cover my favorite songs. Really listen to the track and pick out separate instruments and make your own track exactly the same. It helps cause you don't have to worry about writing or making a good song, just concentrate on getting the sound you need. However, if you meant something else, then this is all irrelevant bollocks. so ignore... PHIL
  17. format didnt solve it. just crashed when i was using front row. the only things i have installed that arent official mac stuff is, msn 603, azureus(but crashed before i used azureus), firefox and a divx and ac3 encoder. it sounds like it could be the ram but wouldnt opening the case invalidate the warranty? like, if i did find something wrong with it i couldnt sent it back? thanks for the help! Phil no, you seem to have to pay for that
  18. Got a mac mini, 2.0ghz core 2 duo 1gb ram. couldnt tell you what im doing when it happens its just so random, sometimes when watching films, sometimes when nothing is open and i disturb the air around the computer. formatted now, hope it doesnt happen again. now, wheres the i hate macs thread.... phil
  19. Got a brand new mac, installed leopard, every few hours it comes up with this 'you need to restart your computer message' and completely locks me out.... thought macs werent suppose to do this kind of thing... i looked on the apple website and it said i need to restart and reset the PRAM or something, did that, didnt help. gonna try formatting next but anything anyone else can suggest? phil
  20. can anyone tell i just got a mac and dont have a clue how to use it?? right, latest problem is... not so much a mac one... im using a razer copperhead mouse, i know theres no mac drivers for it but i thought, as its usb it should basically function, which it does, but its not smooth. when you move the mouse across the screen it jumps allover and isnt accurate.. any way to fix this? ***also*** what is the best bit torrent program to use with a mac... osx 10.5
  21. ok i have a qusetion. about macs. i have a 500gb external hard drive, fat 32 formatted it is. and the max file size you can have on it is 4gb ish right? well, on a mac (specifically a mac mini) can you have files larger than 4gb? basically i have a 7gb *.dmg file on my pc and i want it mounted on the mac
  22. Makes me laugh every time. But seriously, PCs suck, get a mac, mac mini for 399quid? eh, eh? PHIL
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