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Everything posted by *PHIL*

  1. I also liked the video, quality wasn't great though. Also what song was that? the voice sounds familiar. And what are split angles??
  2. Yeah similar happened to me only not as big... Couldn't get parts from tarty so was without bike for 2 weeks. It's pretty weird how fast you learn stuff regarding modding and changing parts. I got my bike second hand off this very forum and it came in bits so I had to assemble it myself. After that it needed new parts so I just tried to fit them myself and it's pretty easy, mostly common sense. I'm trying to learn everything so I never have to take it to a bike shop again. Just got it back after some crappy bike shop had it for over 2 weeks. I'd rather just try myself and if I mess up it was goin to the shop anyway so...
  3. What he said... When I joined I was pretty much told it was near impossible to get verified unless you were some kind of crazy trials-based knowledge... base... I just posted in topics I was actually interested in and had something I felt was worthwhile to say and didn't even notice I was verified it happened so quick! just use propa gramma an spellin and ye'll get verifyed in nee time!! PHIL
  4. what bike did you end up getting? the t-rex?? i got my first trials bike a few weeks back. custom built t-rex and its totally awesome.. spent too much money on it like but its mint now. if you got spec 1 id recommend goin single speed i tried learning trials on my old hardtail mtb and never got anywhere and after only a day of 2 on the t-rex i can already do some pedal kicks and that.
  5. i like it! you cant even tell what bike it is.. good stuff
  6. thats good. im liking the whole black and white and urban type thing
  7. haha, people are actually posting pictures! more black and white and closer to the brake i think though! phil
  8. Finally finished my bike today and took a few pictures. Took one that reminded me of the whole Myspace emo pose photo thing so thought I'd make a thread for all to put in their Myspace bike angle shots. (Taken from behind rear brake towards stem.) I know people have taken them cause I've seen tons on here so... I'll start....... Extra points for anything weird in the background I guess...
  9. anyone riding newcastle tonight?
  10. *PHIL*

    The Lost Thread

    true! its just all my mates have been asking me why des lied so i thought id ask. and i was thinking jacob was something new. i dont think christian and yemi were ghosts. thinking about it now, i suppose if we saw what jack saw with his dad from a different perspective it may look like he was talking to no one, same with eko, so this could be just a different perspective. well only 1 episode left and we're free for another few months!
  11. that is a pretty awesome looking bike, first glance i thought the yellow water hose in the bg was the brake hose, weird. how did you make the sticker yourself like?
  12. *PHIL*

    28 Weeks Later

    i didnt like the second film much.. i like the concept of picking up the story but it seemed to have turned into a standard scary movie. stupid people getting killed, americans, pointless violence and continuity errors. the first was so good though.
  13. *PHIL*

    The Lost Thread

    anyone reckon lost is gettin proper stupid? like... jacob.. he's a ghost?... riiight.... also.. why did desmond lie to charlie about him dying?? answer me that
  14. cheers guys, ive put the original magura pads in and they seem quiet for now.. may get noisy when they bed in a bit. nowhere near as powerful but i dont mind too much
  15. *PHIL*

    Pc Gamers

    he's right you know!! it wont!! the card still doesnt have to hardware needed for newer games no matter what drivers it has
  16. OK then I have a question.. Any way to get maggies to stop squealing so bad? Mine sound like I'm stamping on puppys!! Not arsed about the rear as I like the pads but the front is just ridiculous. Considering some slightly worse pads but is there any other way to silence them? PHIL
  17. *PHIL*

    Pad Reviews

    anyone recommend some really quiet pads? im running onza citrus front and rear and the rear is fine being louder than a bus cause i like the pad but im wanting something quiet for the front that wont wake up my entire street when i come home at night. cheers PHIL
  18. oh yeah btw i tried this and it just wasn't happening. the rohloff wouldn't fit on inside because of the sprocket spacer. plus there was nothing to keep it from spinning all the way round... if you get what i mean
  19. Hey just thought I'd post here sayin I swapped over the spacers and now the rohloff is fitted and in a pretty good line with the sprocket. Overall chain line isn't too bad either, still quiet and that. But it doesn't skip anymore!! I can finally ride my bike. -------------- The rear wheel is proper dished though (I think). Is there anyway to put a washer/spacer between the hub and dropout on the non drivetrain side and get a shorter spacer on the other with the sprocket? If this is unheard of then my wheel must be dished as it is too far over to the left. Brakes keep rubbing just on the left side. Once again thanks for all the advice. PHIL
  20. hey more tools i dont have!! cheers for the info ill have a crack at this later
  21. erm.... anyone know how to remove a sprocket?
  22. yeah.. i actually suggested that in my first post and as i said it would give me bad chain alignment. ill try and swap them over tomorrow and see what happens.. cheers for the help all
  23. Put the spacers where?? you mean put the tensioner on the inside of the frame? oh i get it, the spacers on the sprocket.. yeah thats what i thought not an option like, already spent far too much on this bike. plus it would be in the shop for a month
  24. Hi all. Finally got my bike back after 2 weeks in some stinking shop. I'm trying to fit a Rohloff tensioner and as you can see from this photo its not gonna work! The guy in the shop moved the sprocket inwards for better chain alignment when there was no tensioner on there at all. Any ideas on what I can do? I would just move the sprocket back to where it was but then, the guy moved it for a reason, it wouldn't be a good chain line. Cheers PHIL
  25. Anyone know anything about v!z chains? I'm thinking about getting one. need a 3/32" chain asap seems to be the only one I can find.
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