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Everything posted by NVWOCI WVS

  1. pull the lever harder edit: does the brake need bleeding? do you use a booster? both of these could help alot!
  2. where are you ordering it from? if its tartybikes then tell them what rim and spoke pattern you want then they'll calculate the spoke length for you and send you the right spokes! simple!! dunno about other companies but try ordering the hub and spokes together and explain in the comment field which rim you have etc
  3. I'll do it for you you want tio ride on sunday? the others are coming and another guy i met today who lives near me and rides a t-rex too. you could use a headset drifting tool or a screwdriver! both work equally as well!
  4. so could i still braze an old pashley frame of thats all i could get hold of? or would it not work? i reckon i'll just look out for a leeson ore something...maybe a couple of diffeerent bikes to work with, but they should be the same metal? cheers
  5. if you have the hub you could try measuring it?!?
  6. ok, thanks...thats really useful. do you reckon i'll be ok brazing my frame...i cant weld very well but i can braze ok and i'll practise before going to the frame! erm yeah, so will brazing be strong enough?? cheers
  7. hi, does anyone know what grade steel leeson and pashley use on their frames? and also what type of welding they use? this is for my a-level tech...designing a new trials frame and thinking of trying to find an old steel frame to modify as a donor-bike. so also if anyone has an old steel trials frame lying about that is damaged/unrideable/extremely cheap i'll be interested!! I'll put an ad up in the for sale and wanted section at a later date but just really the question for now, thanks. sam
  8. chainwhip and cassette tool to remove the lock ring
  9. if you dont have one...you could try buying one?
  10. someone obviously hasnt read the previous posts!
  11. there what i use (stock version though) and i have to say they are awesome rims strength to weight ratio is phenominal!! very hard rim to bend and definitely not 'too' heavy. there are lighter rims for sure but if you're doind a lot of street then go for these. shame about your taste in colour i use the black rims with red rim tapes and they look really hot, get them
  12. if you're going to use caustic soda on handlebars be careful because: 1.it will also very slightly weaken the bars, espscially if you use to much and take off too much metal aswell as the anodising! 2.it will very slightly reduce the diemeter of where the stem clamps the bars and it may eat through the textured part which the stem grips on causing the bars to slip more readily pollish it with autosol, then when it starts visibly be oxidising pollish it again...repeat this a few times the it seems to retain it's shine better! i also use a little bit of car wax on my echo frame...i polished it with autosol, it came up really shiny so then i waxed it and if you keep it waxed it stays shiny
  13. i aspire to spell like you and to stick with sidehops you need to make sure you keep your weight over the tyres as you land...
  14. i change my tyre pressure for what im riding...also you have to consider tyre air volume aswell stocks and mods are going to be different and you need to consider width of rim and type of tyre: ie you can run a dual ply tyre ar lower pressure! loads of variables!
  15. i think all original monty paint jobs are pieces of art and anyone who resprays a monty frame is a criminal! this is hugely hypercritical as i've resprayed two...but montys need the colour!...thats what makes them so distinguishable (sp?)
  16. the geometry of the monty is way nicer in my opinion. all montys ride so nicely!! the onza's a nice bike but i would chose the 219
  17. if the forks are the same height from the centre of the droppout to the top of the crown and you're using the same spacers, headset and stem then cut it to the same length. i thought that would just be common sense really?!?!?
  18. pashley forks for street. if you're heavy on them...theyre steek and i love the way they feel!
  19. youre gonna have to change your name then mate!
  20. dont get a khe collapse theyre wang
  21. get a creepy crawler thats worn down slick for the back then trim the side knobles then pump it up hard!
  22. sorry too late but andy and shaun rode. you're dan, right? yeah, was too damn hot to ride!
  23. helicoiling isnt a fat insert that reduces the size of the thread like 8mm>5mm its just like a replacement thread that is inserted inside the old hoel of the same diameter
  24. yep. tomorow in felixstowe, few people going then to ipswich in the afternoon...should be a laugh
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