I just took my new board out for a spin, sans griptape and with wet shoes...
...and it is the most unstable, twitchiest setup I have ever been down a hill on! I think harder bushings are in order. I came straight out of my house, a couple of pushes, then turned into the biggest slope in the area. It felt fine, so I put in a few carves, but my feet weere slipping all over the place, so I dropped into a bit of a tuck and went for it. It rolls pretty well considering the size of the wheels, but it begins to speed wobble at a pretty low speed. I just leant forwards a bit more and dropped my knee. That seems to cure it, but I need to stop half way down the hill at a post box. No way am I sliding on it without griptape, so I stand up and start foot braking. It instantly starts sketching all over the place, and my foot on the board has no grip. It could hvae ended very messily, but I somehow managed to control it with minimal embarassment (it's right outside the village pub). I walked back up the hill and went home. Definitely want some harder bushings.