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Everything posted by NVWOCI WVS

  1. Italian Mobster shoots a Lobster. Seafood restaurant gets out of hand.
  2. That powerflex is very nice. They all look like a lot fun! Been out for a quick cruise on my latest contraption, and it's amazing! 8" skateboard deck, but drilled on the nose/tail for trucks. The angle on the trucks makes it really stable, but still responsive enough, and it obviously makes the deck lower to the ground, so it's super stable. Because the trucks are on the extremities, the wheelbase is really nice and long, so it's going to handle going fast well, and it means it flexes really well too. The trucks and wheels are perfect for cruising and a little bit of hill bombing. So efortless to push it along too, I think it's because it's so low.
  3. nope. I'm just saying. for the majority of people, a degree course at uni is a waste of time and money.
  4. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: UNI=WHACK. I'm starting my boatbuilding course on 6th of April though. Win.
  5. Well, I think anyone who likes it is a gayhead!

    New Tattoos

    Stay classy, San Diego.
  7. What kind of deck? I've made a couple. One loooong V-lam speed board, but that died. and a glass laminate slalom board, but that wasn't great. I want to try aother glass lam board. They feel really nice to ride if you get them right. A really long one with lots of concave and flex...
  9. I just took my new board out for a spin, sans griptape and with wet shoes... ...and it is the most unstable, twitchiest setup I have ever been down a hill on! I think harder bushings are in order. I came straight out of my house, a couple of pushes, then turned into the biggest slope in the area. It felt fine, so I put in a few carves, but my feet weere slipping all over the place, so I dropped into a bit of a tuck and went for it. It rolls pretty well considering the size of the wheels, but it begins to speed wobble at a pretty low speed. I just leant forwards a bit more and dropped my knee. That seems to cure it, but I need to stop half way down the hill at a post box. No way am I sliding on it without griptape, so I stand up and start foot braking. It instantly starts sketching all over the place, and my foot on the board has no grip. It could hvae ended very messily, but I somehow managed to control it with minimal embarassment (it's right outside the village pub). I walked back up the hill and went home. Definitely want some harder bushings.
  10. I used to have a 40" carve board with 1/2" risers for carving hills, Now I've just got my little board, because I live in a pretty flat area, so it's a lot more fun to mess about on and takes up less space. I'm building up another experimental 'compact carve board' this week. Watch this space.
  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastbourne
  12. Buy it, then meet me in Eastbourne.
  13. -Look up 'old school kickflip on longboard'. Your foot goes under the board and scoops it up.
  14. Boneless or old school flips/ollies.
  15. There is only one tail on a skateboard. The other end is the nose. Wait until you see what I've got lined up for my new deck...
  16. all the woodbridge riders have gone to BMX now. Sucks. Are Harry and Stuart not riiding at all any more?
  17. I bought another new deck this evening. Sorry davey.
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