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Everything posted by NVWOCI WVS

  1. Natalie Portman's Shaved Head-Sophisticated Side Ponytail
  2. Not a bad first effort, but it looks a bit ghetto, and the welding looks somewhat whack. If you make anoother one, put a little more time into the design, and fabricating, make sure you use a good, square jig, and woork on your welding. Here's one I made a few years ago. Fillet brazed 4130: Edit: Also, don't forget triangles and straight lines are strongest.
  3. I know the answer to this one. I'll let someone else explain though, because I have ot be up in four hours, and need to sleep now.
  4. Upside down, yo! For those of you that don't know; my name is Sam Doman.
  5. With thin ply, you can get away with bending it dry, and gluing it in position to get the shape you want, you just have to allow for it to flatten out slightly when you take the weight off it. Have some actual photos of longboarding: Photos of the carbon dancer being ridden to follow shortly.
  6. Finished carboning today. Needs trimming into it's final shape, and the rails doing. This was the ghetto press we made for laminating the ply up: Looks something like this at the moment, looks uneven becaues of the light and the epoxy being wet. full set of photos at facebookresolution[tm] here.
  7. I have a couple of deck projects on the go at the moment: A carbon fibre 'mini dancer' and a super flexy glass and carbon fibre slalom/commuter deck. Need to seismic 45s for the commuter, possibly with another set of powell street bones (if I can source any!) and The dancer is for my friend. He's running orangatang stimulus wheels with some 180 randals. Photos to follow next week, when they're both finished. In slightly related news: I just bought a new Dirt Surfer from my drunk friend at the pub for £50. I sold my last one and regreted it. Time to bomb some mad crazy hills at 50mph on 2 wheels!
  8. Cheers. Just made a new carbon saddle for it too...
  9. I made some more, using Comic Sans, because it's my favourite font. I like the colourful ones the best (I used the gay flag as my inspiration), but I'm quite proud of the ones which use bold and italics! I made a verion of each in caps, and with lowercase letters, to give you more of a choice. There aren't any spaces, because prodesigners all know: spacesaregayrite. You'll have to pay me to use these.
  10. Rubber band powered propeller and use that to blow the car along? I made a wicked-cool rubber band car in physics. It had 4 CDs on a fixed axle as driven wheels, running on three ceramic bearings and rubber bands stretched and glued around the rims for grip. It was about three foot long, to fit enough rubber bands in, and it was ridiculously fast for something so small. I made the frame from balsa wood with epoxy and carbon fibre, so it was really light and stiff. I had to add weight to the back to stop the wheels spinning, then I had to add weight to the front to stop it flipping over.
  11. I'm well good at this stuff. I used an exclamation mark to make it better.
  12. I mean spending hours trawling through her facebook to find clues. The address was the jackpot.
  13. I should actually be an internet detective. Is that even a real job?
  14. I've found out where Alana Blanchard lives. Maybe it will happen...
  15. I payed £450 for my Sony VAIO about 18 months ago. It was a really high spec, but a reoplacement model had just been brought out, so it was massively reduced. I know PCWorld are generally shit, but there are bargains to be had. I'm now on a Packard Bell notebook, which I'm actually really impressed by. It's really fast, it can handle pretty demanding CAD software, and programmmes like photoshop really well, and it has a really nice monitor aspect ratio at 1366x768. I think I paid about £480 for it, again on offer at PC world. Better spec than anything I could find online for the same money.
  16. I did this for a friend, so it's different, but I guess I'd do it for the price of the paint (£33 for this specific one) plus a fiver an hour spent working on it. I've spent in the region of ten hours on this, but it was pretty intricate, and that includes doing other bits between coats of paint drying. I guess I could do it in 6 hours total if the frame was in good condition, and easy to prep.
  17. Looks a bit like this now\/ I guess you don't need any inspiration if you've already settled on a design, but I thought some of you may be interested in seeing the finished product.
  18. Cheers. I use a masking tape and a razor blade. It took two days to prep and paint it to this stage: Still haven't finished touching up and clearcoating yet though. I'm a bit of a perfectionist with these things!
  19. [quote name=Nick pyke ' date='18 March 2010 - 09:30 PM' timestamp='1268947840' post='2101015] I just want a bike for crusing along.. sometihng comfortable to ride along the sea frton..
  20. Not really sure where to put this, but I kindof 'designed' this paintjob for a friend's bike, and finished spraying up the topcoats today. Apologies for the low res photos. From this: To this: I made a version of the original graphic in black vinyl too:
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcSbkg0TIvI
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