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Everything posted by NVWOCI WVS

  1. No dyslexic can spell dyslexia. You lose, Dr.Nick
  2. Please stop being a dick, it's distracting me from my work.
  3. That's the stuff of nightmares.
  4. Thanks. If you have any lying about, do you fancy selling me a set of the ones that just say 'LE3SON' or whatever it is? The downtube ones?
  5. Who is the dick in the stripy jumper?
  6. His are blatantly the white and black nikes. He's the only one cool enough to pull them off. I love well dressed black kids.
  7. Do you even need to ask? He'd baltantly a downer.
  8. You really are making yourself look rather foolish. if you're going to use sarcasm, it works best with correct spelling.
  9. Just stop now and maintain some dignity.
  10. [anchorman]LOUD NOISES[/anchorman] The bad kind?
  11. Baaaaad idea. Do you even understand how a king works?
  12. Do yo umean a Spanish guitar? you can't put steel strings on one, to much strain on the neck joint.
  13. Is it a rebranded catologue (sp) jobby?
  14. sort the colour balance on your camera. it's way too blue.
  15. Looks pretty good fun. Those frames were always awesome! How does it ride?
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