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Everything posted by NVWOCI WVS

  1. I have a problem with my emails too: there's 1455 of them!
  2. Are you suposed to sleep while you're doing that kindof stuff?!
  3. Yeah... ...and Marion Porcher
  4. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  5. It's fixed. What's gonee shit?
  6. YOU LOSE THE GAME f**k. I'm supposed to be up and ready for a days intense exercise in about 4 hours halp!
  7. Yes. I'm not very good at internet arguing. Can we do something else please?
  8. well, atleast I'm not edible. Faggot! edit:please be gentle, I'm not very good at this.
  9. I want to argue with someone.
  10. Why does nobody post at night time? you're all gayz.
  11. That really is a very nice bike. Unbelievably light for a stock too. A few years ago, this kindof weight for a complete stock was unimaginable! Makes you think about what the bikes will be like ten years from now...
  12. I got it from my pigeon-hole, I'm in halls and my mail gets left in a box.
  13. I do really. You're my favourite human being. I just got a CD I oredered from america months ago and I'd completely forgotten about. It was a nice suprise and it's a really good album
  14. This bike doesn't belong to Adam, does it? It's just new stock for Tarty? Why has he requested a video in this thread?
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