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About ftw

  • Birthday 08/05/1991

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  • County (UK Only)
    Neath Port Talbot
  • Real Name
    Ross Clayton
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    koxx hydroxx frame,try all cranks, echo lite forks, echo stem, monty bars, try all white rims gold echo hubs gold echo headset try all bb double hope 07 disc

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    trials, food, p.c,media, editing. looking at old womens toes, and sucking them
  • Location
    a cave

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  1. dont be such a BELL END Wayne is sound besides hw would kick the shit out of u any way get a life. ross
  2. Ahhhhhhhhhhh Wayne still a stupid bugga now a days, out with him saturday. Ross.
  3. Hey My biggest drop is 7.9ft did it the other day. Ross.
  4. Hey, my biggest is 38" and kept it. But the other day I did 39" but was an on/off. Ross
  5. HeHe It was amazing,I am famous in that video at the Decafalon in Sheff guy in the white shirt. Where he wheelswaps down it......!!!!!! Ross....x....
  6. look were not trying to be funny all we are doing is doing a pad review,I thought it would of been a good idea. Also If you think you can do better then lets close this one and you do one, us lot that have put the effort into doing this arn't doing it to waste time. Were doing it to waste pointless topics about pads, when they can all go into one big so we can prevent more room on the forum.Another thing is that people are mensioning trials chat when us new members cannot post in trials chat which gives us nothing to talk about,so we are never going to get validated when people like you that mess it up and just gets closed.So stop been idiots and trying to f**k up everyones topics and grow up. :sleeping:So lets keep these reviews coming in shall we. All the pads I used were on try all rims silver, black, gold, red. 36 hole hope this makes it easier to understand.
  7. I like your thinking. We should all post our pads reviews here. On the scale 1-4 Ross.
  8. Hi everybody, I was just thinking that there is a fair few people on this forum that are always asking, which pads are the best for this, which pads are the best for that. So I decided to do my own reviews on the pads I have purchased and used so far. So I hope I help. On a scale of 1-4 I will rate these pads with 4 being the best. Koxx browns - medium grind wet and dry weather, 3 Koxx yellows - harsh grind wet and dry weather, 3 Koxx greens - medium grind dry weather, 2 Koxx reds - meduim grind awsome in wet and dry weather, 4 Koxx blues - medium grind rubbish in wet and dry (IMO I think these are the wosrt pad). 1 Plazmatic crm - meduim/harsh grind dry weather only also dab or tar. 4= dry 1= wet. Zoo's - anodised rim basicly when bought, dry weather also tar, 3 Joy pads - harsh grind wet and dry weather. 3 monty short pads - harsh grind no tar wet and dry weather only lasts like 2 weeks worth the £9 though. 4 Thats just about it really I will keep on posting reviews on pads I will be using. my favourite pad out of the selection are most probably the koxx reds or the monty short pads. Hope I have helped thanks Ross....
  9. Well here goes: GU Typhoon 06 mod frame, Echo team forks, Echo team stem, onza carbon bars, Avid bb7 front disc, monty eagle claw tyres, Hope pro 2 front hub, King rear cassette only if brand new (other wise profile), black try all rims front and rear, echo cnc cranks black, magura with coust cnc backings , dmr v12 pedals, echo cnc headset, fsa platinum bb, Just about everything I think This is what i would most likely want to pick. Ross................
  10. I used it to build my wheel. found it very helpfull.
  11. Ok yes the weather is turd. You will have to ring me my msn is gay and will not let me go on it. Do you have my number? Ross.
  12. Haha It was suppose to sound like a baby crying. Me and my mate was bored that day and we messed around doing silly things. Ross ......
  13. Cheers buddy, Yer suppose we can ride ,do you fancy coming up to glen on saturday with me? Ross...
  14. youtube link now available, for those who carn't be arsed downloading it. Ross.
  15. Cheers buddy If im not mistaken I do believe that fat guy, as you like to call him is, Erik Torres. sorry ezza. Ross....
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