4 middle age girls pushed there silly little pram into my bike i say piss off then all of a sudden out of nowhere they grab glass bottles n smash them on ours arms and throw rocks/stones/bark at us. what hooligans. what shall i do spit at em do it back or just leave it be the bigger man lol .
Hey, i need some nice sexy comfy grips as mine kill my hands and my blisters are litrally covering my hands lol. so any advice on grips wooooo. no1 no any good grip then you must be solid riding metal
you grind it the oppisite way the wheel turns if you do it the same way new rim for you to be honest . . . n do it till its rough both sides so preet straight foward
Try doiing a little endo and then flicking the back end up quickly and remember to press your back brake then if your balance is good do a sharp little pedal and pull up by releasing the brake and when your in the air press your brake to stop you falling on your arse try and come back on the back wheel by leaning back of the rear axel then do the same as you did on the first one and once you get the hang of it it should come natural. hope this helps i can really explane well