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Everything posted by Onza-Trials

  1. Neither can i even harry is getting a brand new echo lite hopefully he said!
  2. What really heavy or was that just is with heavy parts?
  3. Me and my mate dropped off 10 pallets! don't no how high that is in ft do you?
  4. hopes are lush i have had no problem with mine on my jump bike. it just how you treat it!!
  5. Lol yeah my mate is thinking of getting an echo lite but in gold I'm getting a zona zip have a look on my topic and comment it please!
  6. Don't buy tools from pound land my Allen key set fell apart not to good but did the job for about 5 minutes.
  7. Nice ... but do you like posting topics every minute Lol
  8. same here i wont to get higher but the harder i pull doesn't do anything Lol
  9. does it matter if he jump biker i jump as well but do trials as well
  10. i reckon broken legs Lol and maybe a cracked check bone!
  11. yeah but getting a zona zip in a few days/week!
  12. immature Lol just because i forgot to quote your comment!
  13. bad crash. if its a repost sorry but others may not of seen it. Also if you can find any worse bails post them up.
  14. Lol i did like a wheelie hop of little walls it did the job!
  15. I'm definitely going to get it in about 1 week as i need to get 430 which i should have! so my second bike woo I'm putting some pictures up in a bit so keep and eye out for them. pictures are up comments please preferably nice ones Lol!
  16. Maybe buy some chain tensioners and tighten them ??
  17. come for a ride down Newbury if you live in Berkshire we will meet up some time!
  18. There is only about 7 people who do trials but half of them never come out or don't no us just ride by them selfs. but our mates are slowly starting to like trials
  19. as-long as i get along with it and it not expensive I'm fine with it
  20. i got one of those bolts because i used to have a single speed for my old bike? whats your msn ?
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