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About rudirudirudirudirudi

  • Birthday 10/10/1990

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  • Real Name
    Rudi West
  • Bike Ridden
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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rudirudirudirudirudi's Achievements

Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. amazing rider. not often you get people that are that good at street and also be sick at comp.
  2. I cant see the pictures ... sounds nice though.. if you sell.... sell it to me.
  3. Ive been out of trials for a bit. these new echo 24's ... are they supposed to be less streety and more trialsy than for example and inspired ... but less trialsy and more streety that a mod or stock? good on the back wheel? ride nice?. . . . potential new purchase nice video though! bit more variation would make it a better watch, I watched the gap at the end about 5 times.. something about it:)
  4. amazing video. watched it twice I enjoyed it so much!
  5. Ive been out of the trials scene for 5 years and just getting back into it. I had quick search but it didnt really come up with much. Whats happened to all the deng ( i think thats what they were called?) frames/bikes? There used to be hundreds of the things on tarty, gu le, tp, etc,.. numerous zoo frames, echo, etc. There is know where near the choice on tarty nowadays! I know theres a few gu's and zoo lynx remade?! just after a bit of info Also there's all these strange flavour bikes like neon, rockman, because. I seem to remember these just coming to the surface when i quit. Any good? So wheres deng gone?! cheers TF.
  6. good to see more clips of andy b. Still a machine.
  7. After coming on trials-forum every day for a few years 5 years later I find myself sucked back in. Its time to saddle up and get back into tweaking and fixing more than actually riding.( Half the fun isn't it?) Having moved away from bournemouth and now living in Bude I have no idea if theres much of a scene up this way. I know theres riders in plymouth having ridden with a few on dj rides etc. but was wondering if there was any guys up this way a little closer. let me know. cheers
  8. Great style and riding, well shot and well put together. SICK video!
  9. really nice video! dave.... 24" what did you do that for?!
  10. short video made after a year of riding.
  11. been riding 10 months, my final edit of the vid, im finally happy with it...
  12. f**king yes andy... was wondering last week when you would finaly bring out a video. you have improved f**k loads. you were awsome before but now.. its like watching a pro... roll on the sponsorships. love you
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