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Z o o !!

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Everything posted by Z o o !!

  1. This Wouldnt Work As The Hope Needs Dot Fluid And Hs33 Doesnt ITs Two Different Fluids.
  2. Gutted Mate! I got my lmt edition hs33's for £109 inc p&p
  3. I have just replaced a magura slave cilinder bolt but when ever i pull in the brake nothing happens. what could this mean ?
  4. But it worth a try because i saw someone selling a gu typhoon from australia
  5. Going On Holiday And Was Just Wondering If Their Was Anyone Who Rides In Orlando, Florida ? Cheers connor
  6. 1) Get some money I- have money 2) go to Argos- Dont need to 3) purchase an angle grinder- I alredy have 1 4) take it home- Dont need to 5) get your wheel 6) plug in the grinder- im not stupid 7) put on some goggles- would be a good idea 8) turn the switch on- im not stupid 9) pick up the grinder- no shit sherlock 10) skim it along the surface of the rim 11) keep doing this till all of the rim is rough 12) turn the wheel over 13) do the same on the other side - no shit sherlock 14) turn the swtich off- not that stupid 15) remove the grinder plug from the socket- no shit sherlock 16) remove your goggles- nah rather wear them there kinda trendy 17) watch out for wires on the way out so you dont trip over- im not stupid
  7. Thinking of doing a rim grind and was wondering how you do it? cheers connor
  8. Anyone use the 74kingz tpa wheels? because i was thinking of investing in a pair but want to know if there any good. cheers connor
  9. My Dads Gunna Build Me One
  10. What so now you think its funny to poke fun at someone who has dyslexia
  11. Dont give a f**k ive been waiting to be validated since x-mas if they cant validate me then im gna do it anyway
  12. well im about a meter and a half tall
  13. Looking for a zoo python dont have much to spend bout 280
  14. He Might Be Able To Buy My Onza T-vee 06 For 180-200 But its not standard it has nearly new hs33 white brakes and onza armstrong cranks
  15. Whats this to do with trials ? Reported
  16. Is he aware this is a trials forum not a nob head of the year forum
  17. Dunno what it is, i always liked my extreme sports and this is the one i love its something unusual and something you can never get bored of because there are so many different spots, also its something which makes heads turn
  18. I rode my 1st stock today and it was a koxx and i actually liked the stock more.
  19. Which Is Easier 26" trials Or 20"? Need Some1 To Reply That Has Had Experience On Both.
  20. Does Anyone Use The Adamant Brake Pads If So Are mThey Any Good ?
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