1) Get some money I- have money 2) go to Argos- Dont need to 3) purchase an angle grinder- I alredy have 1 4) take it home- Dont need to 5) get your wheel 6) plug in the grinder- im not stupid 7) put on some goggles- would be a good idea 8) turn the switch on- im not stupid 9) pick up the grinder- no shit sherlock 10) skim it along the surface of the rim 11) keep doing this till all of the rim is rough 12) turn the wheel over 13) do the same on the other side - no shit sherlock 14) turn the swtich off- not that stupid 15) remove the grinder plug from the socket- no shit sherlock 16) remove your goggles- nah rather wear them there kinda trendy 17) watch out for wires on the way out so you dont trip over- im not stupid
Dunno what it is, i always liked my extreme sports and this is the one i love its something unusual and something you can never get bored of because there are so many different spots, also its something which makes heads turn