Hello all, For a while ive been thinking about bringing out my own Label of shirts, hoodies etc and basically im needing general info about what i need to do and where to get supplies etc. Ive already found somehwere where i can get a decent amount of plain shirts a hoodies in diff colours already i just need to clear some other things. I Also already have a name in mind atm. If i do go a head with this idea i want to be sure of everyrthing so : I know im going to need a good photoshop/ Designing program so that i can start to play about with what logos and diagrams that will be going onto the shirts and stuff, dont really want to be spending alot if any on this sort of software, any reccomendations on what i could use? Also how do i go about having the shirts printed ? I asume i have to find a shot company that prints shirts or w.e, how do i go about finiding out about these, again any reccomendations for companys that people have used in the past ? If think of anything else il add, Post advice away please Connor, x