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Z o o !!

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Everything posted by Z o o !!

  1. Z o o !!


    Ah thats what it is LOBSTER DOG.
  2. Z o o !!


    And wth is a mobster log?
  3. Z o o !!


    What ryhmes with that?
  4. oh my god how the f**k do i get that, link that kennard put up off my screen :|
  5. Z o o !!

    Ross M Vid 6

    Cant veiw it for some reason ladd Edit : Calm down, beat me to it thats all. Anyway enough of the rudeness. Good video, i expect youl get the usual moaning about it being so 'tgs' but i liked it Comp bit at the end was good seem to handle both natty and street well.
  6. Z o o !!


    Hes probably bluffing, if it carrys on just lay his brother out. Job done
  7. i would attend but i myself am at the t4 on the beach concert.
  8. Good point, Gave that a little thought but only what the print will be, its not going tobe trialsrealated so hopefully it will interest more people. I had thought about what the design was goig to be and decided that its not going to be trialsy because of the ammount of trials rides compared to the non trials riders, I think that i will make a questionnaire To give me an idea on what people would pay, what sort of diagrams they like, how much they would pay etc. Thanks for yout input .
  9. Hello all, For a while ive been thinking about bringing out my own Label of shirts, hoodies etc and basically im needing general info about what i need to do and where to get supplies etc. Ive already found somehwere where i can get a decent amount of plain shirts a hoodies in diff colours already i just need to clear some other things. I Also already have a name in mind atm. If i do go a head with this idea i want to be sure of everyrthing so : I know im going to need a good photoshop/ Designing program so that i can start to play about with what logos and diagrams that will be going onto the shirts and stuff, dont really want to be spending alot if any on this sort of software, any reccomendations on what i could use? Also how do i go about having the shirts printed ? I asume i have to find a shot company that prints shirts or w.e, how do i go about finiding out about these, again any reccomendations for companys that people have used in the past ? If think of anything else il add, Post advice away please Connor, x
  10. Yay, Edit when watched Edit : oh my god ross that was f**kin Sick!, Seriously that was really good, Such a mint rider, some big lines in there, that rail move by the stone masons was sick. Heard and saw the evidence of the hook disaster oxford ride, never saw the footage until now, couldnt have been alot worsee lol. Really good video man,Keep it up Connor x
  11. Real good ride, as nice is was to have such a good turn out it wasnt that great, was alot better at the end of the day when we met up with neil, wheeler, ross, dan, john and ben.
  12. Good rider though, but stupid.
  13. Yeah f**k it, im game lads, im easy to il sleep stay anywhere, would prefer that its comfy
  14. Oooft, have to admit she is hot.
  15. Me and a mate are going to be riding reading today if anyone wants to join us, i imagine we'll be there at like half elven - twelve ? can ring me or text me if your going to come. 07769883942 Connor x
  16. f**k, Bollocks, Shit. Might not be there. depends if my crossover arrives tomo from tart
  17. Real smooth riding, those frenchies look so mint.
  18. links foooked mate. Edit : Really good video, first natty vid that ive wathced the whole way through. the music was spot on aswell. Some really good riding super controlled. looks like a brilliant place to ride. Is that where they hold koxx days? Connor x
  19. Hm, is it really worth a four hour train jorney down to plymouth, and the ticket costin £35 ? Its a possibility.
  20. Some really nice shots there How do you go about being able to ride on a demo? they look like so much fun.
  21. Echo 07 = bomb proof. plaz pads on the smooth rim = shit hot. sorted.
  22. Sugar ? who has sugar in tea ? For that matter who has milk or sugar in there tea? Tea - Milk - Sugar = Win
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