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    Mission Reefer with maggies and RaceFace North Shore DH crank

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    Bikin' 'n' stuff
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um....tasty's Achievements

Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. When I fractured my wrist doing a wheel tap 180 at a skate park
  2. -1r7,13m,-1rb,11c -1rb,11c,-1rb,10v -1r0,15r,-1r7,13m -1qd,182,-1r0,15r -1pg,19h,-1qd,182 -1nn,1b6,-1pg,19h -1mb,1br,-1nn,1b6 -1kf,1c4,-1lg,1c2 -1lg,1c2,-1mb,1br -17l,1c4,-1kf,1c4 -pp,1c4,-17l,1c4 -ed,1c4,-pp,1c4 -cj,1bq,-ed,1c4 -7u,1ao,-cj,1bq -6a,1f,-7r,-16 -4g,197,-7u,1ao -6a,1h,-3,4k 6p,10f,-4g,197 -1i,1i,1i,1i -3,4k,61,7g 1i,1i,am,1i 61,7g,8b,8c f6,ra,6p,10f 8b,8c,bv,91 am,1i,bg,1f bg,1f,cf,13 cf,13,d4,g bv,91,ck,93 d4,g,d9,a d9,b,dd,0 de,1j,po,e ch,93,ig,9u g6,qm,f6,ra ht,rr,gt,pn gs,pn,gg,qd gg,qd,g6,qm ig,9u,jc,9u jp,tv,ht,rr jc,9u,k6,9p k6,9p,kt,9g lv,ve,jp,tv lf,-2o,pa,-2o kt,9g,lm,8s lm,8s,m4,8d pl,103,n3,vr n3,vr,lv,ve pa,-2o,129,-2o po,e,15s,-i t1,vu,pl,103 100,v8,t1,vu up,a0,11h,ap 12t,uf,vv,v9 129,-2o,13p,-2s 11e,ao,1e1,ev 13p,-2s,155,-34 16h,sp,12t,uf 155,-34,163,-3j 163,-3j,175,-4g 15p,-i,1if,8 1d4,q3,16h,sp 175,-4g,17o,-58 17o,-58,185,-62 1hq,oc,1d4,q3 1e0,ev,1gd,fc 1et,-6j,1fd,-69 1fd,-69,1hf,-4h 1gd,fc,1i0,ff 1hf,-4h,1jm,-35 1pd,lm,1hq,oc 1if,8,1kr,e 1i0,ff,1lt,ff 1jm,-35,1kt,-2k 1kt,-2k,1n2,-29 1kr,e,201,1o 1lr,fe,1ou,ev 1mt,-2a,1o6,-24 1o6,-24,1qe,-1v 1pd,ll,1s9,ku 1qe,-1v,1t5,-1v 1s9,ku,217,jh 1t5,-1v,213,-1v 201,1o,21u,1l 245,-2h,211,-1u 217,jh,23d,ik 21u,1l,22m,1h 22m,1h,2am,4c 2g8,-8,243,-2h 243,cr,2a5,ea 23d,ik,250,hn 250,hn,274,fm 274,fm,284,eg 2am,4c,2j1,67 2gb,gd,2a5,e9 2ql,g,2g8,-8 2o0,ir,2gb,gd 2j1,67,2td,84 2p7,j3,2o0,ir 2tq,j5,2p7,j3 2qm,f,2tn,l 2tn,l,2vu,l 2td,84,35t,8h 34c,i9,2tq,j5 2vu,l,38e,l 36f,i1,34b,i9 35t,8h,396,8f 393,hc,36f,i1 38c,l,3fa,9 3ah,gp,393,hc 3dm,en,3ah,gp 3n4,7p,3dm,en 3fa,9,3kt,8 3kt,9,3mf,l 427,-m,3n5,7p # my free rider track I think?
  3. But the cheaper one has got a 32 up front.
  4. Leeson Fluid 609 with BMX/24" geo, Sun rims, easton bars,Moto RT tyres, Raceface crank, Maggies, Carbon seat and post, Chris King hubs, single speed. BMX styled
  5. Very small, not many stalls and very small limited trials area.
  6. You would just wreck twice as much bench.
  7. I think I got some spare, but thanks anyway.
  8. I want to turn my 8 speed into 5 speed so I was thinking to get a Hope spacer kit and use some of the spacers to take out and replace the unwanted cogs and replace my grip shift with an old school thumb shifter. Will this work? Thanks
  9. I've got the DX-32 and it's a lush rim I haven't had to get it trued either and without the stickers it looks lush.
  10. I'm coming! If you see someone with a blue cast it's me
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