I haven't read all of this but I've had diabetes since age 5 (now 19). I've ridden downhill, xc and 4x for around 5 years (although very on and off through long term injury) but anyway.... My control was pretty... well, non existant through my early teenage years, hormonal changes mean its a nightmare to keep on top of and you'l probably find you generally have better things to do than test your blood 4 times a day which won't help. I had problems with cramp especially because of it. One thing you can do is to take dhyroloite drinks, they won't help your diabetes but have no sugar or anything so won't cause problems but replace all the body salts and help towards fluids lost through sweat. As much as it sucks (and I'l admit I still don't always do it myself) the only thing to do is check your sugar before going out. If its high do insulin to bring it down to about 8, you don't want to bring it down to your normal target zone otherwise it will drop. A hypo should be treated with summat equivilent to 1 carbohydrate portion (CP), this is 10 grammes of carbs. equivilent to 100ml of lucozade (the fizzy stuff not the isotonic ones), 4 jelly babies, 250ml of fruit juice/ sugary pop. Over treating a hypo was another of my problems and I was very scepticl that any of those could treat a hypo, I still take a bit more but try and stay close to that- it stops any extreme jumps in sugar which is often worse than being a bit high or low. Feel free to PM me if you want any more help, I'm a british cycing coach, fairly experienced with diabetes and done a course in diabetes management so should be able to help with any specific questions.