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Everything posted by Hendrix

  1. Contact the local Police, tell them you're being harassed. They'll arrange to send an officer over to look at the texts, take a statement from you then they'll probably pay her a visit and tell her to leave you alone. *Addition Pretty much the only way to get the number blocked is if she has a history of doing it and/or it goes to a form of court and they do it. Phone companies won't do aaanything.
  2. Ex texted me saying she's pregnant when she knows I know she can't conceive and that I'm not very likely to have kids. My almost girlfriend of two weeks ago, whom I clearly states after I didn't want to do anything with is now pissed off I have a girlfriend and is trying to stir shit up. My current gf is being a douchebag on the first night of being together.. I don't see this lasting long.
  3. It might be old fashioned but it gets the job done easily with minimal chance of something going wrong. It's secure and.. it's free(??). Students need to print off stuff at home or in their flat/room. Home businesses needed to print stuff off at home. Families like to print off photos, letters, memories. That's why you need printers?
  4. I can't give you examples of them because unlike you I'm not a 'geek', though if you really were one you'd understand the possibility that not 'everything' works with 'everything'. Fax is more secure, apparently. Probably why banks still use it.. The software isn't bad at all, it's simple to navigate and assuming you've not go weird sized photos/photopaper it works flawlessly with no setting up needed. Sometimes it's easier to bang a photo from a memory card in a crap camera straight in. There's basic photo correction software but that's not the point. The point is it's got a lot of facilities for not much money and works with every computer in the house no problem. F**king hell you're one for an argument.
  5. Erm, I do? Funnily enough, a lot of people still expect you to fax things to them, to keep a database of previous contracts scanning them is required and it being able to print from memory cards is very VERY convenient. You'd be surprised how few printers work with Macs to be honest, none of the ones at uni do, none of the ones at Sony use to..
  6. Got an HP thing which does fax, photo printing, reads memory cards and does decent quality scanning and of course prints. Nothing but good luck with it really as it works with the PCs and the Apples. Think it cost about £130?
  7. Well £119 for a program which is otherwise £359 (I think) is a really good price and it comes with a TON of manuals, and I mean the box weighs a ton. I use to have a pair of Yamaha NS10, till I blew the tweeter and threw them away. Little did I know how much they were worth and how easy they were to fix.
  8. 150+GB of samples isn't though. Also, I don't intend to rip off Apple for £119 when it's a very good price for an incredibly powerful piece of software. Well they're crazy flat with good bottom end and a decent enough top end that you can hear the frequencies you don't want in the finished products. I just want some pretty KRK's or something but don't have £500 a piece space. In addition, I know a lot of more dubstep producers have started using Logic 7 over 9 because it's way less glitchy for them. I'm kinda half tempted!
  9. That was pretty much what I was gonna put!
  10. Problem is, the current ones do the job really well but they just look rubbish. If I can resell Logic 8 I may well get new monitors though!
  11. The new pre/post production room with crap old monitors. I've got to make a big decision as to if I either 1) upgrade from Logic 8 to Logic 9 or 2) Buy a new set of monitors for the studio. Tricky decision!
  12. Charlie, you geek. I'll post new pictures of my studio once I can be arsed to moved rubbish off my desk. :$
  13. I get it on every single page when using Safari (don't know how to add TF to a 'safe list' or something).
  14. I've got really bad back problems (recently caused a lot more due to playing a 1979 P-Bass), started having sports physio to get it sorted though.
  15. Yeah it was blood relation. She's serious f**ked up in the head, her mum and dad are going to let go in about a week so she will have no where to turn. She's already been thrown out. Gutted for her really..
  16. My ex appears to have been a far bigger f**k up than ever anticipated. She not only f**ked her mums bf, but her ACTUAL uncle, all while she was with me. GOOD TAIMSSSSSS.
  17. Arse Back Cat Dog Ear F**k Guns Hide Idiot Joker Killer Laughing Mine Nein Open Pears Question Random Stupid Tranny Umbrella Volkswagen W**ker Xzibit Yvette ZZ Top Brain switched on today!
  18. Heavy words, sir. I know of a newer brand of amps that seem to be used by a lot of session and touring musicians, purely because the tone is just.. amaaaazing. http://www.egnater.com/ Noting, I'm saving up for one.
  19. How much did you pay towards the phone?
  20. Hendrix


    Yeah, the beginning wasn't bad. The end was a bit.. shocking though. Brilliant soundtrack though.
  21. Hendrix


    Shank.... is crap.
  22. iPhone 3G Unlimited texts; 600mins; 500mb data (though I've never hit it); £35
  23. In another news, I had a proper lads night with my dad tonight. We discussed everything and he gave his view on it, think I can move on from her. It's not gonna be easy but.. it's gonna make my life a lot easier.
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