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Everything posted by JackyyBoii

  1. Iv got a t-mag new style frame with onza rims , onza handle bars and stem with monty cranks and echo bash with a rear hs33 for sale ... just tell me if your interested! add on msn for pics...willgargan@hotmail.com cheers
  2. I no this is going completly off the point of wanting trials to become bigger than BMX/MTB etc.. But now i kind of get the feeling that i liked trials being different and being one of the only few with a trials bike, now its getting like all the same... I walked along southend town centre and must of seen about 10-15 trials riders yesterday and just thought its becoming so popular that it wont be 'different' and 'unusual' pretty soon. It will be as common and regular as BMX and MTB But on the other hand its really good having more and more people riding trials in out area as it means more people to ride with a that will mean a wider market of trials specific brands...therefire making it easier to get hold of parts you want. Two ways of looking at it really Jakk...
  3. Can you give me an example of a decent 24" mountain bike? anything up to £400? I am kind of new to the whole mountain bike scene so dont really know what im looking at. What modifications would be reasonable for this bike? Sounding like a complete newbie here but everyones starts somewhere Jakk. 5' 10" near enough What is capible on this bike? As in jump wise? Thanks Jack.
  4. Right im going to sound like a complete newbie here....but i dont really care =D I just want to to 100% sure before i buy Is the 'new' DMR DRONE a 24" bike...Im 95% certain it is but i just want to check A quick reply would be much appreciated Thankss Jakk.
  5. i brought a bb off TF name "samo" and the thread was gone so basically hes a con i agree! jakk
  6. HOw much do you think i would get for a t-vee frame with bash plate, and seat and seat post on ebay for? thanks for the advice! jakk
  7. That is a load of Bulls**t mate lol hahah funny though jakk
  8. Just got a gas gas 125cc enduro for offroad! tell me what you think? jakk
  9. I need a cheap square taper bottom bracket!.. my one at the moment is too small so need one that will fit a freewheel! .. thanks
  10. How can i fit monty cranks with a echo bashguard and have a front freewheel on it ? ... help! JackyyBoii.......
  11. Just wanted to say well done to all the cyclesUK trials team really. Did a really good job promoting the sport as I heard many people saying how talanted they were. And most had never heard of trials until the past 2 days. Anyone else happend to catch a glimpse of them? Jakk..
  12. I dont want you to take this the wrong way but why is your user name alexonza when you have a kona? Oh well Jakk.x.
  13. That Sucks Big Time... Dont Memba Typin That Jakk.
  14. Yepp ill be down there and bring a few people along Jakk..
  15. Sorry for the wasted post...the description would not come up when i looked so did not know that it said that...thanks Jakk.
  16. Hi everyone!! I was having a look on tarty the other day looking for a new project to start on and stumbled across the ciguena frame... [post=http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=2034]Linkyy And it says it fits disc brake...im quite new to trials so dont laugh if this is a stupid quiestion Errmm...Would it be possible to fit maguras on this frame? The reason i want this is because i have just but the HS33's and dont just want to sell them as i spent along time saving up for them (£125 limited edition white) Any answers will be helpful...Thanks Jakk.
  17. Hi where can you get a pair of decent trials trials intended shin pads?? And 2 broken fingers Fractured Wrist Shins Jakk.
  18. Hi go one www.trashzen.com/co.uk (cant remember which one ) It helped me alot Jak.
  19. Dont put any of the posters up around the area!! Because then the bloke that stole it will just think 'oh i can make myself an easy £500' and just hand it in to you and you will end up paying them £500 for stealong your bike! Jak.
  20. Haha thats exactly what i was thinking about that river...yeh nice vid mate keep it up Jak.
  21. Nice editing. Good riding. I like the natural spot you were in. Keep it up. Jak.
  22. I would have either new or old mini...or renault megane or a clio...undecided at the moment Jak. Sorry it came out twice Jak.
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