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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. Just seen these amazing basketball shots a la skatepark style. thought i'd share the wealth. CLICK TO BE AMAZED* *may be over hyped to some degree
  2. RicH_87


    whilst watching it i was thinking "i wonder how many of these photo's were nicked from 'myspace.com' and HAHAHAHAHA THEY ALL WERE! HAHAHAHA!. oh well, at least they have another thing to go write poems about, or whatever it is they do.
  3. shame the french don't know how to hold a video camera. good riding though, but as they say, the proof is in the pudding, not the ingredients.
  4. wow, looks like it's going be quite a turn out. (Y)"
  5. so your house has two of these now? which rides better? (Y)"
  6. RicH_87

    Shit Day

    i know nmy post only add feul to the fire, but how ironic that the 'Shit day thread' has become just a 'shit thread'. Is nothing sacred these days!!
  7. hmm interesting point, if you (anyone) were out riding with a couple of mates and saw some randomer being minor happy slapped (not a full on rape type one) would you down bike, run over and kick the shit outta the slappers? I'd like to think I would, but in reality i'd probably be too slow to decide and just end up helping the victim after rather than getting involved. Obviously it depends on the serverity of the assault, if i witnessed a rape i would probably get straight in there and help the victim as much as possible, even if it was risky towards myself.
  8. RicH_87


    10,458. :sick: i love this thing, but it makes my ear deaf when i try really hard. (Y) :blink:
  9. usually in medium to large, any brand is fine, with some sort of design on the front.
  10. x RicH x however i'm never on, so you might as-well add my brother x MatT x, he's on 24/7 so you'll always have someone to play with :blink: .... (and to shout abuse at you, and to slag off americans, and to play as loud as possible at 2am, and to beef if he doesn't kick your ass, and to beef when his halo 2 rank drops below 30, and to talk non-stop about being the fastest on moto gp.....you get the idea). you might find me occasionally on Forza with my super pimp Tuscan S (yes it is the most pimp Tuscan S in the world) but i don't bother with the other games any more becasue all the gamers are lame.
  11. lol a gold bashplate!! mint. that surley means then can produce them in other colours (black/red/blue would be nice) the rest is a little OTT though, expecially the entirely gold hope lever.
  12. nice stuff, i was well impressed. seriously keep it up, you've got load of potential to be amazing when your older now.
  13. RicH_87


    i'd be more worried about your face. at least you can take the blazer off at the end of the day.
  14. ahh i see now, i said it was overpriced because i thought it was a whole new brand/company so pricing it at the top end before anyone had really experienced it seemed a bit OTT. And after seeing the full build pictures it does look a lot better quality. I especially like the engraved BB shell.
  15. RicH_87


    I don't HATE them, but i get the impression that people get them just to be 'cool' or to stand out from the crowd. People should be noticed becasue they are genuinley a 'cool' person, not becasue they have dyed their hair, or they have 4000 peircings, or they have tatoos. Like i said, i don't hate them, more the reasoning behind them.
  16. RicH_87


    on the forum yeh. :D i f**kign somehow managed to delete my high score :) the buttons are in a bit of a stupid place.
  17. RicH_87


    btw, found a video of the 'world championr' of 15,322rmp. http://www.play.com/play247.asp?pa=promo&p...G&title=174948# go there and click the link in the specifications section.
  18. i thought it was a photoshop as-well, but then on the newspage it has another angle. :)
  19. sometihing is going seriosuly wrong with the newer generations nowadays. i know i saould like an old fella saying that, but i can't believe kids nowadays dare to try stuff like this. They need to face conciquences for shit like this, otherwise it's going to get worse. Maybe a litte OTT, but this could be the start of the end of civilisation as we know it. These shitty kids are going to be the adults in 10 years time, and i certainly know i wouldn't want them running the world.
  20. RicH_87


    got mine today and my bet is 9903. my sister has burnt her hand on it twice already, hahahaha.
  21. frame looks overpriced to me. :)"
  22. frame looks overpriced to me.
  23. hahaha, coolio vidio. however, i can never understand why whenever i see a shipley glen vid, i can never recognise any of the spots. I only reconised two, one deep in the trees down the hill, and one further up the top where theres a drop gap between two big fat rocks (where i once nearly flew over the bars and off an average sized cliff. :lol: anyway...looked hot, i was feelin the heat just watching it. same again this saturday? :-
  24. LOL, i dunno, a juice machine its a pretty good name for it though even if it's not very imaginative. Its a machine, and it makes juice. :- :lol:
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