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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. RicH_87

    Nbr 15

    made me realize again how cool trials is, and how much i love mod, however the stock riders in that were immense. good stuff. :bunny:
  2. RicH_87

    New **video**

    yeh cool video, some nice lines, and wow! do you guys have enough rocks? :deej: anyway, was good, keep it up :bunny:
  3. The beginning of episode 2 is the best. the rest is pretty average.
  4. LOL that's a friend of my mate from work. If you watch soccer AM or just want more of a challenge you can join the soccerAM Forum league too 909-254. If enough peeps on here wanted to play we could have a Trials-Forum league, but i can't really see that happening. :wink2:
  5. you guys are trying to hard (Y) use mine, you know it makes sense :wink2:
  6. its 100% free, the only thing it'll cost is your pride when i win. (Y) EDIT: oh and btw, whoever just joined, my team is 'Loadsa' Goals bowles' :wink2:
  7. hey guys, if any of you like football and wanna be in our fantasy football league then your more than welcome to join. if you want to sign up and join my league, just follow these steps 1. Go To www.premierleague.com 2. Find the Game On Section (on the left) 3. Select Fantasy Football 4. Sign Up, choose a team name and kit 5. Select you team 6. Go to leagues and join a private league gimmei a pm for the league code to sign up if you think you can hang with the big boys, (the overall winner can also win £10,000) Its good fun and makes the football season actually worth following. :wink2:
  8. check everything that should be tight, is tight, before every ride if possible. If you have a q/r front wheel, check that its tight as you can have some major bails if it flys out. make sure you use the right tools when possible. Don;t just think "i can bodge it out using these mole grips" as chances are you'll mash you bike to a pulp and look like a twat when you try and get some proper help with it. Use good quality allen keys and crank extractors :wink2:
  9. A good kick about is easily one of the best social activities imo, 5 a-side with your mates is ace fun. As for watching, i don't really care, and i don't believe in paying them that amount to do something they love but there's nowlt that's going to change it. And as for the poster, pretty funny i guess, but obviously created either by a Leeds fan or a Liverpool fan and is a great example of why football can be shit at times. Thats just gonna piss of the majority of the Man U supporters and create more hatred and blah blah blah...
  10. wow, i never knew he was welsh :wink2:
  11. craig lee used to use them and he had no problems.
  12. yeh sweet, you're way to perfect on everything. too much ass kissing going on though, so i'm gonna slate your camera guy for a couple of shakey shots near the end. :wink2: other than that, absolutely mint (Y)
  13. It always was stupid, and it was never cool. Maybe people are becoming cooler, and less stupid. Oh wait no, i forgot this is still Britain.
  14. RicH_87

    Google Earth

    hahaha, what the hell are the google guys smoking.
  15. RicH_87

    Google Earth

    Just downloaded this to have a play about with, and think it's pretty impressive. Basically you can search for anywhere in the world and it'll zoom in on it from space. Anyway, I recon it's worth the download just to play about on. :( http://earth.google.com/
  16. Yeh true, but they replace theirs every 6 months or something stupid. I bet if they rode it hard for 12-18 months we'd see some serious wear and tear.
  17. Oxygen (oh my god i'm doing it again)
  18. True he did give it some serious 'action' but i'm sure he's got a Python now. Don't know why, but he has. :( EDIT: might as-well make it valid. If it was me, i would go echo team, there's just something about it that makes it better. Other than that, they are both pretty similar anyway.
  19. RicH_87


    New Team 05 forks painted black by yours truely, and a nice big fat Juicy Seven
  20. RicH_87

    Me bicycle

    From the album: Rich_87 Pictures.

    New front end.
  21. Pissing it down here as-well, and i've just been to collect my disc from the postage depot , trying to decide wether to not to go bed it in.
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