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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. i've got in on my pc. its not that good in my opinion, its just like a long episode of family guy, and i personally prefer it short and sweet leaving me wanting more. if i can squeeze it on a cd i'd happily send you it.
  2. please...for the love of god STOP PLAYING! this ain't jamaji you know.
  3. could take anything up to 4 days, again depending on how good your bank is. The UK banking system is shit basically, all over the world money gets transfered within 24 hours, over here though, whilst your money is in 'transition' the banks earn interest off it, so they let it take as long as possible. Just trot down with your details, and the person who your sending the money to details, and have a word. They'll transfer it striaght away for you, but i'd be suprised if it appears in their account within the next 3 days after it's sent.
  4. bled my brake today and my bike is the best its been for months. might make a trip up on my lonesome but i gotta taxi my sister around tomorrow so it'll depend on that.
  5. hahaha wayne your starting to sound like an old man more and more :P thought you might like this site 'old school trials' some pace rider on there too. :blink: errm, can't think of any revolutionary components myself, but i predict the disc is gonna be one to look out for in the future. Maggies will always be the daddy, but discs seem to have come a long way in the past year or so. B)
  6. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! that ending was the best ever, HAHAHA! how loud did you shout. Great video too, short and snappy and all the clips were really good (all killer no filler you might say). That was the Bill Gates of videos (Minted). :blink:
  7. depends on your bank, usually you just get the other persons bank details (account number, sort code etc) and either go to your bank and ask them to transfer the money, or you can do it online nowadays. :blink:
  8. RicH_87

    Yaozhi Vid

    pretty crappy editing, could of cut a lot of that out. i hate the SSSUUUPPPEEERRRR SSSLLLOOOWWW MMMOOOTTTIIIOOONNN followed by randoms cutting of clips. The riding was obviously very impressive, and i can't believe how many people stood around an watched, we would of been shouted at and moved on from nearly all those places if it was the UK.
  9. as in cash? you do realise america uses dollars right? just send a bank transfer :blink:
  10. RicH_87

    New Video

    yehhh, thats was wicked. Some nice moves in there and sweet to see some manuals on a mod B) nice effort :blink:
  11. what pads you usin Rossi? :blink:
  12. better add modest to the list.
  13. 'post a picture of' - hahaha sly way of just making a topic bout your bike, like anyone else is gonna have one of them :blink: bike looks good though B)
  14. 10 - FFAF - 10:45 Amsterdam Conversations
  15. i new start nut is only like 99p stop being so cheap (Y)
  16. well i went to order some well over 6 months ago and they didn't have any then either only blue. so chances are they won't be getting any more any time soon. However, i did post a topic like this one, and someone from cleanbikes said they had a few odds n' end lying about that they were happy to sell if you give them a ring (Y)
  17. RicH_87

    Flash Mind Reader

    naaa this his better, now you can be abused by darth vader whilst he figures you out.
  18. *jealous* i should of got of my lazy ass, filled my car up and tagged along, sounds like ace fun. instead i'm sat at home with a split hose and noone to ride with (Y) can't wait for the footage, todays bristol ride sounded awesome. (Y)
  19. i feel shit about my riding all the time but i just laugh it off, sometimes its more fun to bail massivly than to pull off an average line just laugh about it, thats what its all about anyway.
  20. RicH_87


    oh ok i get it, I was thinking he could just go and do a 53" sidehop, then i didn't understand how it was judged better or worse. So i take it he'll come back at you with a longer gap or bigger drop or to a rail or something?
  21. RicH_87


    eh? how's this work? does dave now have to do the same/similar move but better? or can he do something completely different? and who judges wether or not one move is better than the other? are certain moves worth points or what? like every ft of gap = 5 points and every 'street' move (x-up, crankflip, wallride) worth 20 (Y)
  22. think i might have found a good example: CLICK HERE looks about 2.5 to me (Y)
  23. yo, what about trying to bag one of those SUPER PHAT rear tyres you get on the contemporary choppers? I'll try and find a pic.... EDIT: kinda like this, but obviously not this HOOGE
  24. minimum effort, maximum impact. (Y)
  25. Silver looks like they were bought of a market stall, and the black ones look murky and crap. Can't you get some dark smoked ones? if not, and it HAS to be one of the above, go black, but try and find some nicer ones. EDIT: LIKE THESE HERES SOME MORE OPTIONS, THE NICE ONES ARE 4TH FROM THE BOTTOM (Y)
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