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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. Waddy (Sam Woddington): And some of Nicks sidehop later on :lol: Enjoi :shifty:
  2. Me and Carl met up with Nick and Waddy for a few hours today on shipley glen. Carls puncture and no pump ment lots of nice piccys (poor carl :lol: ) so yeh, thought i'd post a few of the better ones. :shifty: Nick: Rich: More to come...
  3. bet the spectators hands were sore after that :lol:" so basically is the record for biggest getting up a box height, with a forward runup? that is some major height going on. :shifty:
  4. somone wann find the direct link? i can't seem to manage it, i wanna keep that one forever. :)
  5. Zoo. (obviously :- ) Nice stills too, that 'really fun' 53" sidehop is minted, and that gap on the homepage. Nice to see your moving to Hudds too. :) :) :)
  6. lol shouldn't laugh really cos car drime is homo but near the end.. "f**k yeh man Glasses! hell yeh motherf**ker"
  7. RicH_87

    Ryan Leech Vid

    VIDEO FOR PEEPS WHO 'DON'T HAVE THE PLUGIN' not bad, amazing skills and all that, but i'm sure tight-rope walkers have been doing this for centuries. (Y)
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