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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. I would think that spending anywhere near £200 almost garantees that the memory will be good no matter what. I personally wouldn't spend anymore than £80 on ram though. But if you're wanting a gaming beast of a pc then i guess you're gonna have to.
  2. rosey and jim, rosey and jim, chugging along on the old ragdoll.
  3. oh yehhh, never noticed. what is that cos i want one.
  4. whenever i think russian i think snow. nice to see it get's sun too.
  5. looks just as bad as the tsunami to me.
  6. possibly, but he obviously didn't realise his breast pocket was half the size of the choccolate bar. :-"
  7. it's f**king stuck to myyy fooooooooooooooooooooot!
  8. agreed, i'd wear that on a tee. but sam's is still the best by a country mile. (Y)
  9. LOL hell yeh, (and i drive a renualt) first and last french car i'm ever owning. I knew i hated them for more than just being stuck up, now i remember why.
  10. RicH_87

    X Game 11

    or maybe he said "lemme win and you can touch my gold plated downtube" (Y) EDIT: oh and no inline vert??? :blink:
  11. i feel a civil war coming on. *reaches for 2x4 with added nail*
  12. I don't understand how anyone could ever think they have the right to aim a gun at someone else. just one pull on the trigger and a whole life is blown away. import monitoring seriosuly need to be installed to stop people getting their hands on real guns. It's just not funny anymore, especially with the ever increasing amount of dumbass yobs we have over here.
  13. we both know you gotta spend a lorra lorra moolah if you want a pc that can seriously play pc games to the same standard as any of the next gen consoles and still be future safe for any length of time. whats the point in having a half assed gaming pc when you can have a 'thouroughbread' xbox? There is a lot more to pc gaming than a monster graphics card. don't get me wrong, i used to play pc games all the time, simply because console's weren't online just then. I played Midtown madness, CS and wolfenstein to death on my shitty 800mhz pc with a 56k modem and 128mb ram, however pc gaming moved on and I couldn't keep up with it, spending a lot of cash on replacing perfectly good components just becasue they were out of date to play the next level of graphics is insane. An xbox will last and last, no need to upgrade, tweek, modify. Just buy any game and it plays at the same high quality no matter what. And nowadays with the easy online access and very user friendly set up it just makes no sense to play games on a PC. As it happens i've pre ordered an xbox 360, even though i haven't played any video game for at least 6 months. To get a pc that can match the the xbox 360 (juding by what i've managed to see so far) you're gonna be spending thrice the amount. PC gaming has come on so far that I seriously can't belive you can spend a couple of hundred quid, and then sit tight for 4 or 5 years. you WILL need to upgrade and it IS going to cost a lot. for me, nowadays consoles are for gaming, PC's are for everything else. sorry about off topicness.
  14. oh my god well harsh, you have all the bad look don't you. not totally on topic here but here i go non the less... I read in the paper about 3 weeks ago about a young lad (about 16) aiming a gun at people in the high street whilst sat bumming around with 3 of his mates. He was caught on CCTV and police escorted him home and told him off infront of his parents, after the gun turned out to be a replica. Now, in my opinion, anyone over the age of 12 who is aiming a gun at people in public, should be confrounted by armed police, with the intention of shooting them if they APPEAR to cause a threat. No questions asked. I know 12 year old are kids and blah blah blah, but if they have enough sense to know how to aim a gun, then they have anough sense to have their brains blown out. And the parents have no comeback as they are entirely responsible to educate their kids on gun violence. The only way to stop such stupidity is to hit it hard. If people read about a no mercy policy on guns, i'm sure most people wouldn't dare carry a gun in public. I was thinking the same about drink driving the other day actually. Anyone caught driving over the legal limit should be instantly jailed for 6 months. No messin.
  15. you can pick up an xbox for £60 easy these days and say £10 for GTA, why £15 PER game? he only wants to play San Andreas. Probably better graphics, framerate and gameplay too. PC's suck for any game thats not multiplayer. EDIT: oh and its MATHS, 'math' is a stupid americanism.
  16. LOL is that a peugeot necklace??? HAHAHAHAHAHAH!
  17. ooo, just remembered those badass tree in either lord of the rings or harry potter (i get them confused). anyway, yeh, i'd be one of those massive ones with huge lanky arms and legs. (Y)
  18. probably a tree. but it would have to be a good one, like a conker tree or a weeping willow. and it would have to be somewhere interesting. like a busy park or by the side of a race track. (Y) even though, being a tree i couldn't see or hear anything. :blink:
  19. yeh i got a new clutch (boxed) for my renault for £40 off ebay. then i got a quote from a local garage for £250 fitting without new clutch, or £200 with the one i'd already bought. Don't got to an official retailer, go private and make sure they are sound. (ask around). although you sound pretty compitent so if you can sort it yourself, there's no harm in trying. <_<
  20. Could be worse, but it's pretty bland. That massive shadow is from a killer ass willow tree which needs some serious trimming. Wish i could see blackpool tower from mine though. <_<
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