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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. anyone who takes coke on safari deserves to get eaten by lions.
  2. it's also electric by the looks of it. so probably boring as hell. EDIT: yes i know its just a concept btw and not real.
  3. RicH_87

    Channel 5 Now

    ooof whats the deal? why didn't they remove it sooner?? and although its really harsh, at least he has a face to have a tumour on. what about that poor lass born with no face. :rolleyes:
  4. If I skwint my eyes it kinda reminds me of a crutch.
  5. RicH_87

    Pimp My King

    all black with a coloured headcap probably. unfortunatly my gay onza uses the gayest headset known to man so i can only dream of having a retarded looking king.
  6. nice one, your riding is more impressive everytime.
  7. i've seen paintings that look just as real as that, both of cars and other things. Richard Estes is quite good for example: all painted by hand, not quite got that perfect look about them but still pretty baffling how real some of them look.
  8. love my 7, when the rotor stays tight.
  9. I ain't trying to make you to do anything, but why abuse someone you don't know? I just don't see why people have to be arrogant moody assholes when they could just shrug off comments like that, and get on with their lives, rather than being bitchy and harsh. Like a JOKE said by someone you apparently hate actually means that much to you. Just be nicer, or just don't be anything at all.
  10. i'd love to just draw a mobile or a wallet and watch people walk up to it thinking it'd real. It would be like the "glue a 50p to the floor" trick but way better.
  11. If someone makes a joke about something you have an interest in, why can't people just laugh along? There's no need to be all uptight and defensive if what was said was done so in a lighhearted manner. Monkeys original comment was clearly a joke based on the exaggerated generalisation of emo's/sXe. Who cares if that depiction is real or not, surley as long as YOU KNOW the real scene, why should it matter what others think? If someone laughs as me for having no seat, i laugh along, humour them, maybe fill them in if they are genuanly interested, if not, then it's there loss. I don't slag em off saying how they are a stupid fanny for moking my bike, otherwise i'd be more of an arsehole than them. This is what pisses me off on a grander scale with jews etc. If you make a jewish (anti semantic) joke, jews on the whole take it really personally, and make out like the joke teller just commited the holocaust single handedly. Why can't they just let it go and laugh along? People should be able to laugh at themselves and take as good as they give. Just chill, aslong as you know what you know, who cares what other people 'deluded' views are. Majorly off topic but i wanted to say it.
  12. why should you appologise? its him that came out with all the random abuse.
  13. i save all my videos onto the downstairs pc and play em back via my mini home network. That way i get all the vids and all the disc space too, whilst my dad's pc dies, hahahahah. :D bout 10gb on trials so far i think.
  14. LMAO, don't get over defensive of a stupid trend. cheer up mate...you'll die one day.
  15. LOL steve! i thought my keyboard was compact! :D
  16. tidy as always...not. and back when i did that seethrough screen thing :D
  17. why not? just cos it hasn't killed as many people? well judging by the pictures a lot of that land isn't gonna be back to normal for 10's of years, maybe never. at least when the tsunami hit, it went away again, so people could re-build and clean up striaght away. not a lot you can do when half your land is underwater.
  18. looks like a good deal, but it sounds like you got a bit of a bantering head on you sholders so don't settle for that. No company EVER likes to lose a customer so if you don't mind a bit of hagling give em another ring and say you ain;t prepared to pay £20 upgrade when other compnies (such as bt) do it for free. You'd be suprised how much you can squeeze outta these companies if you try. as an example: my sisters boyfriend used to get a certain amount of free minutes with NTL and 512k internet. However his subscription was about to run out and he was about to leave for uni so he rang em up and said, unless you can cut me a deal he's stopping the services. So the guy went to see what he could do. He came back and said he could have 2mb internet, free minutes and ntl sky package for less money than he was currently paying, result or what. but yeh anyway, you WANT 2mb (once you've had it you'll be like, "how did i ever survive on 512") and i';ve got a 30gb cap whihc i haven't noticed at all yet, (and we have 4 pcs and an xbox in constant use). Plus for £28 you can't go wrong. :angry:
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