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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. if there WAS a definition of 'meh' (which there isn't), i would simple be 'meh' meh is kinda like the text equvilant of a shoulder shrug.
  2. RicH_87

    Gu Mod

    looks nice, but i bet it costs a bomb, and we're talking hiroshima style here, not cherry.
  3. immigrants make me very angry. thats all i'm saying otherwise i'll probably offend loads of people and end up in jail.
  4. 1602b mhz is approx shown as 1.6ghz on your pc theres noway you have 1600Ghz
  5. RicH_87

    Onza Limey

    you know how long till slingers version is out tarty??
  6. thats a different t-lite, he had two.
  7. i like the one lower down, i'd ride it for sure. more holes doesn't always mean less strenght.
  8. awesome video there, loved that gap at 3:30-ish from the rail to the wall, bet that was f**king way trickier than it looked. keep em coming. (Y)
  9. none of them, wrapping an old rubber band round my brake mounts would stop flex better than all three of those put together.
  10. its a good effort, but not my taste at all. if i saw that on someone's pc, i would recommend they update their graphic card drivers. maybe lose the blocky bits.
  11. nice one guys, best logo won though, (Y)
  12. might make the sat if it's shipley. (i'm carls mate). (Y)
  13. yeh go down fighting i say. bang bang bang bang bang, die you iraqy bastards. sorry got a bit carried away there, better save face and leave. :)
  14. RicH_87


    i put 'i might' as-well and mines fine. :)
  15. love bruce lee and rodney mullen. they just do what they love becasue they love it, not to impress others even though their skills are amazing.
  16. yaaaaar harrrrr, how comes non of you skurvy ridden hearties has used the pirate smilie :) arhhggg
  17. RicH_87

    Sony Psp

    wait for xbox 360, grab a copy of quake 4 and badda boom badda bing, your social life discarded forever.
  18. maybe its a Raleigh Boulder (Y) (my mate had one, where as i had the raleigh north cape with 21 gears instead of 16! how cool was i :P" )
  19. 39?? he looks about 50 in that pic. no disrespect.
  20. i don't understand why people want ipods so much anyway, especially the uber shite 'mini'. arhhh its like the playstation of mp3 players! guess you can sell anything if you spend enough on marketing.
  21. hahaha no way, you kill me everytime i see you ride that red bike. how the hell do you do all those spins and stuff on it :ermm: lovin that mate, good stuff :P and dude above, i think you're after 'house of pain - jump around' (always reminds me of mrs doubtfire when i play it). (Y)
  22. i'd actually rather win another packet of crisps than an ipod. especially if they are Potatoe Heads.
  23. green or black. whats with the major lack of white parts? (Y)
  24. green or black. whats with the major lack of white parts? (Y)
  25. RicH_87

    Rowan Johns

    woo! thats what all videos should be like, line after line rather than just one move after another. really didn't want it to end, smiles for miles (and manuals too :P ). simply sweet. (Y)
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