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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. needs some work but you get the jist.
  2. RicH_87

    Picture War

    "1966 Rode through a wall of fire and jumped two trucks in Barstow, California." (Evel kenevals list of achivements)
  3. RicH_87

    Picture War

    water don't stop evel keneval
  4. RicH_87

    Picture War

    mines bigger than yours.
  5. i was gonna photoshop a huge rubber mallet on so it looked like slinger was part of a massive arcade game. but i couldn't find one, so i didn't.
  6. might as-well post this here, i currently have the red arrow type symbol in my FF brouser, meaning more gay updates. But all previous updates i've got have caused my brouser to not open due to the "installation cannot complete due to firefox being in use, please close all windows blah blah blah". Everytime i've had to uninstall firefox, restart pc, re-download firefox, install, restart pc again, and then can get on. Anyone else get problems when clicking the stupid update icon?
  7. never had a set of burns myself but i thought it was common knowledge that all crank bolts should be kept tight at all times. It's loose bolts that are gonna lead to your cranks getting rounded or whatever. I personally check and tighten my crank bolts before every ride, (so i don't have to carry the fat 8mm allenkey around mainly). But yeh, if they were mine, i'd be tightening them too, and making sure they stayed tight at all times.
  8. yawn, bikes are so un-unique nowadays, i thought it couldn't get any worse, then this colour coding shit happened. Lame (note capital 'L').
  9. RicH_87

    Picture War

    arnie laughs in the face of weapons.
  10. make sure you ain't blocking any popups. B) awesome video that was, loved the 1 handed bike varial?? (i don't even know if that was what that thing was, but it was crazy all the same) :sleeping:
  11. RicH_87

    New Vid

    sweet. :sleeping: simple as.
  12. RicH_87

    Legally Tomm

    :sleeping: ....................................... Tomm, you look like a young verion of 'Doc' from Back To The Future in the first pic.
  13. RicH_87

    Random Fact

    There are 10 types of people in this world: People who understand binary, and people who have friends.
  14. RicH_87

    Random Fact

    surley that wouldn't work in speech
  15. yeh i'd say get them and i ain't even riden them. i used to have the flat ones, but wanted risers, however i couldn't afford the onza carbon risers so went with zoo. if you've got the cash, there's no better bars to splash it on. :D
  16. lol, k i'll try http://www.joesnyc.streetnine.com/pix/skyline-sunset-a.jpg http://www.dc-5.com/images/nothing%20building%20tall.jpg http://www.aetc.randolph.af.mil/Se2/torch/...ette%20Dive.jpg http://12secondes.free.fr/images/KjeragZoom%20-%20copie.JPG http://www.clubic.com/photo/00119240.jpg
  17. Here's a desktop i made today for the song 'Elevator' by boxcar racer. made it smaller from 1280x1024 ish.
  18. lol thats the best gap i've ever seen, and the best bail to go with it, hahahaha right up to your helmet wet. beasty riding all the same :D
  19. gone a bit oldscool with the windows classic look. :unsure:
  20. sorry don't know but this is weird as i had the exact same message yesterday when trying to install some graphics card drivers. so basically, it won't be adobe premiere related, it'll be a more generic installation problem.
  21. i also noticed that if you post twice in a row they merge into one. :unsure: and that you can put a piccy in your post, then crop it accordingly.
  22. Oh and mark, how are skate shoes, trainers, jeans, tee's etc culture?? cultural dress is saris and turbans and stuff, not trade items. when did i say that? I said the immigrants coutries, and they are shitholes, that's the whole reason they moved out in the first place. if you ask most of them why they moved, a lot will say they had to becasue of violence and predudice and that they would go back if it was safer.
  23. lets face it, they are really talking about religion, not culture. The drivers licence thing is a religious belief, not a cultural thing and the christmas lights thing is them being offended by the christian religion. I bet the majority of immigrants 'culture' is really only religious beliefs. If people move conutry, they should leave that country behind. Sure, practice your religion, but if it's against the new coutries laws (drivers licence) or the new coutries traditions, (the xmas lights and 'in god we trust' moto), then its tough luck, you ditch your shitty religious dress, and you deal with the other people religions, they way the natives have delt with yours (by letting them have moske's and shit). And don't say 'religion is culture' cos i don't belive it is. Culture is foods, music, lifestyles etc, not what god they pray to. IMO, people coming to live in england, and not abiding by our laws, or complaining about our traditions, is damn right f**king rude, and out of order. If i saw some muslim complaining about our xmas lights, i'd have to try seriously hard to not knock them out, and send them back first class so their shithole of a country, Life is so good over here, they take it for granted and use their freedoms to preach their shitty beliefs. If they are living here, they should be seen and not heard, and thats being generous. And to even things up, if i went and lived somewhere else, i wouldn't start slagging off all their traditions or getting a dodgy drivers license, i'd accept them for what they do in their coutry and try my best to fit in. I'l prepare my self for a slating, but i don't give a shit, noone is changing my opinions. I've grown up in circumstances and teachings to make me this way, peoples bitchin' aidn't gonna change me.
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