haha yeh dammit, i always forget the letter order (i'm gonna just say i've worked a hard 6 hours with no break) anyway, embarrassing excuses aside.... i was using component cables originally with my 360 and argued for months with my brother that they are better than the VGA cable he was using, however he talked me round and i decided to give it a try, and i'm being 100% honest the picture was a hell of a lot better. Just more smooth yet crisp at the same time. made the games look and feel much smoother and just nicer to look at. i don't know about the technicalities or anything, but between component and vga, my visual experience says vga is much better. i'm still pretty sure you can't get hdmi cables yet for 360.... anyway, use what you like, i was just stating my own experience, though i don't ever play my 360 anymore so maybe i'm remembering it better than it was. however, i wouldn't recommend something i didn't think was good.