Its a service not a buisness,
Although we pay eBay we aren't their customers as such, we are the sellers customers. People run buisnesses through the eBay service.
I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to pay silly postage amounts. I know that even if theres something i've wanted for ages, if the postage is over the top, i don't bother, or i give the seller a shout to let him/her know they are overcharging.
Sometimes you're lucky and they drop the postage, or more often than not they make up some bullshit excuse.
At the end of the day, its YOUR choice wether or not you buy and pay for the stuff on there, it's not upto eBay to sort it out for you.
These are real people we are dealing with like you and me, just tell em you think their postage sucks, or live with it.
eBay is great whatever happens on it, i've bought and sold on there for nearly 5 years, in the 'real world' no-one would buy or sell some of the stuff i've bought and sold to a 14 year old kid, but on there they didn't even know, or care.