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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. depending on how 'curvy' the curvy bit is, then surley that would just give more risk of a pinch, but instead in the middle of the tube, rather than the edge?
  2. RicH_87

    Picture War

    THE only peas on the block (or just at the bottom of the garden i guess, among the birds and the bees)
  3. Hmm, not got many pics but this is pretty much as funny as my 'random' folder gets: heh (Y) oh and lets not forget the quality:
  4. i saw that somewhere else but it was a complete .gif so it moved. pretty funny, I mean totally not PC and offensive to woman, no matter how irresponsible and drunk they are. :sleeping:
  5. araldite takes a looooong time to fully cure. i glued my gear knob on and had to drive stright after, it was all twisty wisty for the whole time. got home, left it over night and hey presto, solid as a rock. just remember if you glue a crank tool in, you're going to have to get it off again to glue it in the other crank. if thats what you planing to do of course, i could have got the shit coverd end of the stick as they say.
  6. LMAO! good luck getting the coustelliers to post anything, nevermind their biggest achivements. plus i doubt the 'top' riders would wanna post their stuff, cos no-matter what their intentions, some people on here will take it as bragging and go off on one, as usual.
  7. sounds sweet, my bike is looking quite tatty so i might whip out the old xmas wrapping paper for a more festive version this winter. :sleeping:
  8. RicH_87

    Picture War

  9. BOILING WATER and getting captain insano on it's ass will do the job.
  10. RicH_87

    Picture War

    That was no ordinary kevlar cock protection wearing foo! that was non other than superman, and he can bend metal with his hands, (including knives) what'cha gonna do now foo?! what'cha gonnnnna dooooo!?
  11. RicH_87

    Picture War

    always wear protection.
  12. you could use this: then use any normal headphones you like. :sleeping: by the way its a 2.5mm to 3.5mm adaptor.
  13. Dried dog anyone? as for the shark bait thingy, kinda weird i guess, i would of thought a dog was a bit to expensive to be using as bait. Plus i can't see it actually working. No shark unless it's a HUGE one is going to eat a dog whole, so the hook would be useless. Cruel? yes, but everything is cruel in some way so no need to over hype it and start beefin. People are shit, they always have been and always will be, animals are abused alot worse than being used as bait but yet again, no publicity = no-one cares. Off to grab myself a yummy dried dog butty for lunch...
  14. hell yeh that was massive! and montys were MADE to be lime green, gotta love it. (N) (Y)
  15. 3:09 was an awesome shot :lol: good riding in there too, you guys started about the same time as me i think. shame if you're really quitting, i hope it's not for motorbikes or cars cos you'll regret it if it is. good video anyway guys :$
  16. RicH_87

    Picture War

    thought we killed this guy already, look at him cowering as some crazy dude does a kick no man should be physically able to do without crying like a school girl.
  17. Its a service not a buisness, Although we pay eBay we aren't their customers as such, we are the sellers customers. People run buisnesses through the eBay service. I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to pay silly postage amounts. I know that even if theres something i've wanted for ages, if the postage is over the top, i don't bother, or i give the seller a shout to let him/her know they are overcharging. Sometimes you're lucky and they drop the postage, or more often than not they make up some bullshit excuse. At the end of the day, its YOUR choice wether or not you buy and pay for the stuff on there, it's not upto eBay to sort it out for you. These are real people we are dealing with like you and me, just tell em you think their postage sucks, or live with it. eBay is great whatever happens on it, i've bought and sold on there for nearly 5 years, in the 'real world' no-one would buy or sell some of the stuff i've bought and sold to a 14 year old kid, but on there they didn't even know, or care.
  18. RicH_87

    Funny Games

    wayhey! i also get a couple of my ace captioncomp entries and a picture of my plazmatic tyre :$
  19. you havin a laugh?? i hope that was a drop. some beee-utiful piccies there, 'matt1' is ace. :$
  20. LMAO! a GU?! :lol: hahahahahaha, if thats onza cheap, than that the GU frames bumfookerd. p.s, it would be a sin to stick those zona decals on that frame :$
  21. the zona decals make me wanna self harm. that shiney dark colour is the f**king nuts though, beasty. make the slinger frame in that color please :bunny:
  22. anyone rememeber last time, "there's wayne, givin' it some pasty" hahahahaha.
  23. RicH_87

    Green Onza Hog Rim

    i like it but i don't know why. when you said 'green' i was thinking that andonised colour that the t-pros come in and everyone calls green for some reason. Not playdoh green, aahahahaha. nice to see some variety though, doesn't look like a home made jobbie at all.
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