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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. is is seriously 66mb?? if so it says it's gonna take me over and hour an a half to get it. (Y) :D
  2. whaa!? that rail thing at the end was pure skillz! so quiet too, it's almost a sin when that car drives past or someone speaks, once again we've been hit by the smooth criminal, awesome. (Y)
  3. RicH_87


    i got halifax too and have done since i was 13, never had any real problems, good service, average interest, good websaver account and great online services. can be a bit arkward sometimes but no more than any other bank, and nothing that a stern letter can't sort. Otherwise Natwest looks quite respectable too, my older brother banks with them, but i can't say from my own experience.
  4. probably stolen a sweet ass car and gone for a serious burn up to leeds-bradford airport and just pissed about on the runways all day.
  5. RicH_87

    Some Snaps...

    lol just like the buses ey? :D coupld of nice pictures there, not too keen on that uber lens or that ass crack though (Y)
  6. RicH_87


    because of how mny people re on the same connection. if you had a slow line with just 5 people its could be faster than a fast line with 100 people-ish
  7. http://media.putfile.com/came_up_holla95 that'un although you've got a comment under it in the thread so maybe you saw it and forgot.
  8. i'd deffo buy that mod over a deng frame, just for the difference value of it. quite like that hardtail too, although i'll probably never ride trails.
  9. that was in a bmx video posted in the 'little wheels thread' last week sometime. i nearly fainted. (Y) :lol:
  10. i got the UK all to meself hahahaha. maybe we should make a TF one instead of cashing in on OTN's (Y) :lol: OH NO! mike stole the leeds rep now i'm invisible! (Y) dur i didn't realise you could zoom, nevermind.
  11. made me wanna ride. :lol:
  12. yeh i know it works at the moment, i was just arguing for it being a good idea, rather than aginst the forum as it is now. surely if the forum was 'flooded' by loads of BMX topics something would be done about it, simply to keep the pure trials riders happy, and not be prejudice against the people who are swayed towards BMX more so. and yes, i know you ride BMX and you probably don't care for a seperate forum, and i know why, but like i said, i'm in favour of a small change, rather than against the way things are now. anyway, doesn't effect me so i'll leave it to the people that really matter.
  13. obviously missed one whoever is editing this dudes sig, just drop it and stop being a penis, and spacemunkee, keep it small. problem solved.
  14. nerds were better than dweebs, 3 flavours, green, pink and purple. oh my god i loved those so much :P
  15. mr and mrs monkey have the same birthday :P p.s this thread is about as fun and urethra discharge.
  16. thinking about it, he could of at least thrown a 360 in there maybe even a 1080. anyone can ride off a cliff and land on a hill.* :P *probably not me
  17. i like that last one loads, really good effort. :P :P
  18. naa that would suck, you can't cram videos, pictures and chat all into one long thread. Needs to be something like: ---'Street/Park/BMX' subform--- --Topics:-- -New southeast BMX Video -Pictures from park sesh today -What cranks should i buy? -24" street video -yadda yadda yadda...
  19. NEVER get the good bails on film ever, so annoying.
  20. would be sweet, i love to watch/look at/ask about BMX, i was even thinking about starting it myself these last few weeks but just can't warrant spending cash on anotehr bike. Only problem i could see would be people saying "well they've all got a BMX section, why can't we have a Dirt/XC/Roadie section too". Perhaps you could make the section more like a 'street/park' section, rather than a soley BMX one. That way street riders can contribute too, where as often their videos and photos are swamped out in the main forum by hardcore UCI riders. Also that way it's still Trails-Forum, rather than TrailswithapinchofBMX-forum
  21. oh my god! he owned smoothness, if smootheness was a priceless artifact it would now be officially stolen, his amount of smoothness could be used as a metaphor for a womens shaving advert, holy shit, he's smooth. Awesome video that, totally watchable and just generally entertaining as-well as amazing, did i mention how smooth i thought he was?
  22. RicH_87


    is 8mb a pretty standard speed nowadays then? i've had 2mb upgrade from BT for nearly a year and thought it was still the pretty common speed to have. paying around £30 for 2mb with 30gb cap (never notice the cap ever) and decent service seemed decent enough but reading this has chanegd my mind.
  23. it must be good fun to be flying for 5 seconds or so on a simple machine such as a bike, however, do they just set up for that one line? or is that mid/end of an entire run? it would kinda suck if they just go and pull that one line then leave, kinda like climbing up a wall in trials just to drop off.
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