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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. poor guy, if any of you actually drive you'll know it's just natural instinct to swerve round animals in the road. Unfortunatly he ran over some kids as a result. (Y) My instructor taught me this on a lesson though about how if there's something in the road, just hit it (unless it's like a dear or a rhino), becasue the result of swerving might outweigh the life of one cat or whatever. anyway, i hope he don't go to jail or something cos it sounds like an innocent mistake. The japanese are crazy anyway, they do shit like that on gameshows. (Y)
  2. imo, if you knowingly break the law, there should be a zero tolerance policy. Things like underage driving, driving under the influence, dangerous driving should all carry life sentences. It's the only way people will stop breaking the law. People today know that there are no real concequences to their actions so they take the risks becasue in their opinion it's worth it, alot of drunk drivers just get off with fines nowadays. And as for jail, it's a joke. I know people who live worse free lives than people who have commited murders and rapes. Off topic slightly but i read story of a rapist who was aloud day release on which he managed to commit another rape. That to me is just completely insane, and yet, if we take the law into our own hands we face worse punishment than those that actually go against the law in the first place.
  3. Some good unique lines, and loads of control. Not really an impressive or an inspiring video though. Even I could of kept up with some of that riding. Looked like quite a bit of brown nosing went down too. Talk about bike heaven though, that park looked like it had everything. (Y) *want*
  4. RicH_87

    Over Exposure

    right click the video clips on the time line and select all, then right click again and keep adding the effect 'brightness decrease' until its the way you want it. (Y)
  5. well, erm, that was rather large, and smooth, and actually quite stylish. loved that gap from the postbox. He's f**king well impessive, i can't imagine what he's like now if that's 4 months old. thanks for sharing. (Y) (Y) also, quite a lot of monty publicity around at the moment, making me want one again,...almost.
  6. RicH_87


    anchorman is supposed to be really funny, i ain't seen it though so wouldn't know, also everyone i know speaks highly of dodgeball, but again, i ain't seen it. I thought harold and kumar was pretty average myself, kinda like a wannabe american pie style movie. (Y)
  7. RicH_87

    New Website

    i've seen this site before somewhere, is it completely new? or was it kinda like that before and it's just been updated? eitherway, i quite like it. It reminds me of a retro handheld game my older brother used to have. (Y)
  8. hahaha holy shit, that's the funniest thing i've ever seen, LMAO! you labeled dongle as-well. hahahaha, i'm nearly choking.
  9. smart site, that logo is clever too, well thought out and nice deisgn on both site and clothes. good stuff. :P
  10. my brother just threw a load of cds out two of which were those. totally useless infomation now i think about it buy heh, what you gonna do. :P
  11. plus you gotta strip the entire car and then build it all back up again, stripping is easy, but putting everything back is time consuming, and in the world of cars, you pay a lot for time.
  12. hahaha wow! i have these guys original video from ages back, one has a lime green monty and his mate has the classic red and creme one. They were going not alot smaller than this back then! Think it's safe to say they have their bunny hops dialed. It strange how the guy in the black hoody is clearly immense, but his mate in the red makes even him look sketchy. Shame they completely suck at filming, editing and music taste though. <_<
  13. RicH_87


    can anyone download a beta version of Vista? or is it just for 'special' people?
  14. this thread is shit but i just couldn't resist: prepare to rolfcopter
  15. RicH_87


    you can turn on a warning so that if you try and close a big window it warns you about closing all the tabs. click tools and options, and it's near the bottom of the advanced tab.
  16. ^^initial post^^ "Apple declined to comment, but has previously admitted a problem with some of the early iPod nanos. Indeed, after an initial flurry of complaints the issue had disappeared until resurrected by this lawsuit." The nano's may use the same plastic and everything but apple even admitted to a problem which they fixed. So even if there's no problem now, there was at some point. And if a typical, pompus, mardy, ipod user got a dodgy one, then got it replaced, even the smallest little scratch would make them paranoid and think "apple obviously ain't solved this, lets sew them so i can get rich and probably buy even more apple stuff becasue i'm a moron".
  17. RicH_87

    Kebs Ride Pics

    looks ace there, unusual rocks and nice and quiet from the looks of it. Nice pictures again, shame you took none of waddy though. and yeh, you should of climbed that whole thing, haha even your bike was getting in on the action. (Y)
  18. RicH_87


    nice finds dude, the second one was really sweet, made my day. hope Bongo has a video of this in the pipeline 'cos no doubt that'll be badass too. all this stuff makes me wanna ride bmx.
  19. my psp was scratched too really really bad, so i bougth some of this white polish stuff which you rub on with a special cloth and it polished all the scratches out. kinda like this: http://todd.dailey.info/archives/2005/09/2...-can-of-brasso/
  20. it looks like a t-rex with 24" wheels.
  21. who ever said they were good? I for one could tell they sucked the first time i saw them. However if people want to buy them, then that's their choice, apple isn't forcing anyone to buy them. Sewing them is a bit petty, they are just after some quick cash i expect. It's not exactly traumatising when your ipod scratches is it. Stupid americans sew for everything.
  22. awesome, that was awesome, wow! awesome, lets see how many times we can say awesome, the word awesome is so awesome.
  23. rocketman - me first and the gimmie gimmies (Y)
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