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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. anyone wanna upload 'korn' for me? pleease? <_<
  2. will they come with a seat+seat mount (in blue)?
  3. RicH_87

    Joel Veitch

    lol lovin' soupy george.
  4. well i usually just magic wand all my shizzle harry potter style, saves time.
  5. I can't lie, some of it's sketchy, some of it's harsh, and some of it looks forced, but i f**king love it everytime. I used to watch you're 20" videos loads, and i still couldn't tell you why, but there's something about you're riding thats so chilled and flowing, and it totally comes across like you just ride to ride, not to go tuck the biggest sidehop or the crazyest drop gap. I think it's cool the way you ride and try different things, some of it doesn't come across as amazing, or daring, but it's just more enjoyable to watch and its something people can look at and think, yeh i might try that next time i'm out, where as not many people can say the same about 54" sidehops and 5ft hooks. Like that little square bench thing, i think it's been in all you're videos, i bet it something you've spent hours on just messing about, however most riders nowadays would ride right past it on the lookout for the next biggest drop gap or next highest tap. well anyway, rambled a little, so yeh, keep it up. :( (Y)
  6. no bashplate put me off this frame. i don't care what anyone says, bashplate mounts at least are a good idea, give people the option, rather than forcing some people into a whole new drivetrain just so they can ride a nice frame.
  7. sorry for the bump but saw this on TN and thought some people might be interested...
  8. ohhhhhh, on your site, i didn't geddit (Y) quite a few decent ones, you dont half get around... this one looks crazy: wha! :(
  9. blah, mr. game (Y) :P i know they ain't, "whoa only 10 in the world" rare, but you can't walk down the shops and get one or even off 'typical' sites such as play, gameplay etc, you know what i mean. anyway i think they look worse, to me it makes the screen look smaller and the whole console more 'fat' i'm just gonna stick to my living room gaming, 360 here i come (24 days), better be good cos i'm already super tempted to flog it on ebay for a stupidly extortionate price. :(
  10. or ebay, I got a jap one waaaaay back in jan/feb and there are still tons of people on there selling them. You can even get the rare white ones easily and still quite cheaply. Just make sure you buy from dealers with big feedback. You sure you want one though, the novelty soon wears off imo.
  11. culture beat - mr.vain (Y)
  12. haha damn, thought it was a new topic so tryed about 6 times to get onto the site ;) Oh, and Otherside is deffinatly the daddy of trials videos. I was having trouble convinsing some mates at school that trials was any good but when i brought Otherside to school on my psp it was the only video that made them appreciate how skilled trials is, i'd already shown them Get3, 2 tunni vids, cls vids, some canberra trials vids etc. Edit: must be the 'Korn' video mentioned below, any chance of an upload anyone?? :blink: (Y)
  13. Uni won't care, you pay for tuition at university and it's all down to you wether you turn up to lectures or not.
  14. That's hardly being sponsored is it, that's you paying for you're own bits but getting them cheap through wholesale or whatever.
  15. the concept is sound, unfortunatly in practice it doesn't seem to be working. (and i ain't exactly the angry/happy threads numero uno fan)
  16. err, bit too much knowledge on the subject munkhay... (Y) My random fact: another shite topic by we know who.
  17. HAHAHAHAH! holy shit, first time i've smiled in like a week. (Y)
  18. my mate had that acer at the end of term, ready for uni, and it was pretty decent, played games on it and stuff in the common room. unfortunatly the battery life was very short, like 1.5 hours i think. not a problem if you use it mostly plugged in at home/uni room though.
  19. tims bail in bangor on that red box has gotta be the best bail of all time.
  20. haha i thought the random dude laughing was quite funny myself, although i do have a ratehr bland life at the mo. annnnyway, as far as i can see, macs are for people who prefer form over function, they would rather have pretty windows and shiney icons, rather than have actual full compatability. If you are good with computers and don't get confused easily, then a mac would be fine, however if you are pretty remedial in the world of computers then a PC is much better. There are loads of tutorials and help everywhere, because basically everyone owns one. Most pc users talk in simple language, where as mac users like to get techy and weird. However, if you wanna go extreme with a PC you can, and fairly easily at that. It's easy to pick up infomation and boost you're knowlegde with no real effort. Everything i know about PC's i learnt from forums and FAQ's no-one taught me anything, and i've built around 5 pc's from scratch with no help from anything but the internet. Anyway, rambled a bit. To me Mac's are more like specialist machines(a fit girl if you will), you gotta be arsed to deal with them every time you wanna get some use, and your reward is they look nice and don't get ill. However pc's are like you're mum, they will do everything for you and not ask for a lot back, just a bit of maintenance every now and again, they know everything and can do it without you're help, unfortunatly they are a bit bland. Summary: just get a PC, the Mac novelty will soon wear off.
  21. RicH_87


    for future reference, www.extremedirect.co.uk is good.
  22. http://tartybikes.co.uk/products.php?product=frames it's all on there, (7th one down).
  23. think i prefer heather graham. whilst i'm here, what the hell has happened to skins.be? :blink:
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