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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. that's a bit mean, the blue footed booby may be a bit funny looking but making fun of him hurts his feelings. (Y)
  2. RicH_87


    marks and sparks pays 6.80 an hour round here apparently. or you could always go to next on 6.60 an hour. and lets not forget topgirl, you could be 'changing room supervisor' :P bet that 'pays' well. also, a lot of my school mates were domino pizza delivery drivers, they pay for your CBT and provide scootays, so you're all set. Plus you get tips, and mt local dominos pays in cash. :D
  3. hahaha :P ta, he must not like me or something then. :D
  4. can't seem to send personal messages. I've sent two to f-stop about the photo comp and neither have appeared in the 'sent' folder. :P :D
  5. that to me is a girls muscle car, i just can't take any bloke who drives and evo 7 or above seriously. as for the scoobys, i totally agree, 22b is the best, they have all been downhill since then.
  6. would prefer it if it was white, and like many other peeps, i ain't a big EVO fan, simply because they seem like a girls car to me, but that one i kinda like, it ain't as girly as the new ones and i LOVE black rims. :D
  7. ok, what the hell was 'danny (from scotland)' playing at!? you aren't allowed to ride those things on the stairs at uni becasue it's clinically INSANE. i hope you told him if he's gonna be pulling insane shit like that he should keep in north of the border. (Y) anyway, apart from me nearly going blind from that line, the rest of the video was standard damnation badass-ness, i nearly have an entire season of damnation on my pc, you could probably challenge lost for dvd sales if you wanted. looking farward to damnation seben :shifty:
  8. dece, pretty much what i/everyone has come to expect from you lads, and as always i enjoyed watching you're crazy big lines, just that it needs a little somthing extra (a little bit more phil with your roof riding and wall ride to 180 perhaps). :shifty: certainy not a bad video by any means, just that you lot could easily produce something special, if you felt like it. keep aup the good work anywho, and nice one janson for the fast link (you're the trials video master).
  9. RicH_87

    05 T-mag

    looks like it's just one that got mixed up somwheer along the line. It certainly isn't fake, as that picture looks to be taken at onza/sueprcycles headquarters, plus the dude selling it is onzaboy, so you'll be fine if you wanna bid on it.
  10. water is 100% fine, anyone who says otherwise is a liar, c'mon, join the elite group of riders known as 'the cheapskates'. (Y)
  11. whats the deal with crawling through needles? if it's to avoid death, i'd rather die.
  12. haha funniest thing ever, where benito flys off the start and kills himself, then comes back and slips off, then his opponent just dissapears off the balance beams.
  13. i went on tartys last night via a forum advert and had no issues, (at least i think i did, i had a weird night so it could of been a dream).
  14. hahahahaha, "thankyou lorrrd" where was his lord 5 hours ago when he got stuck in the first place. that'll teach him not to play with tubes full of shite :turned:
  15. you make me wish i was a paedophile. you sure you're 14? i was still seeing who could pull the longerst skid when i was 14, you may be able to gap like a badass but lets see you slide two full road center lines (Y) anyway, keep showing us up, if you must. :lol:
  16. oh my god that's the best thing ever invented, you shoukd make more videos. now. i can't even put it into words, so agfgkakadfghafghjagdjahj!!! will have to suffice. miiint. (Y)
  17. lmao! u fool. i am so tempted as-well.
  18. hmm 12ft? bit TOO large imo, obviously slightly exaggerated, as explained. Still big non the less. as for the half eaten picture, saw that ages and ages ago on rotten.com, heard it was a bear attack btu it deffinatly ain't one commited by the huge bear, i'm sure a lot more than his thigh would be missing if it was.
  19. it wasn't a professional band with a record label. If you look near the end it says 'recorded by aaron 'somthing' at studios z' or something along those lines (can't be arseed to check). anyway, i found the site with the studio and recording guy on it and a whole list of all the other bands he recorded but camera wasn't on it anywhere. All the otehr bands were bands that had no label and only played small gigs in local bars etc. so yeh, probably no chance at getting that song ever. The fact they are called 'camera' (presumably said 'cam -ear-ra') makes it even harder to track.
  20. infact thinking about it, is this actually true? there ain't exactly a solar eclipse everyday.
  21. deffo parents fault if it's anyones at all, if they get compensation i'll be pissed off. he must of looked for a very long time though, or had really weak eyes, cos that dude who discovered the earth was round or whatever managed to stare at the sun through a telescope for years before going blind. He then did the same with his other eye until that one went blind too.
  22. looks good, you've come a long way since the yellow px, hahahah (aweful). unfortunatly it's just not 20" enough for me but that colour is a nice choice. Just wondering also, did it not come with czar stickers on? was that a personal preference or are they all like that? anyway, hope the paint has cured properly, 1 day is uber quick. <_<
  23. sounds like they are just the bolts that snail cams use to adjust your wheel. You using snail cams or not? if not how are you tensioning you're chain?
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