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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. ey? are all those posts up there sarcastic?^^^ or did you guys just totally miss the point...
  2. OT: anyone seen the family guy where peters like "aww you know thats my internet porn day", then it cuts to him sat naked in a cyber cafe. HAHAHAHAH! awesome. .... anyway, yeh everyone should know the japanese are weird, surley everyone has seen there tv game shows, getting naked and being abused is normal over there, so this doesn't suprise me.
  3. RicH_87


    wow guys, looks like i must of missed the signs when i entered shallow city, never thought you peeps would be that judgemental, he's obviously at some sort of event going by the background and maybe just did it for a joke/bet/laugh/just becasue, some people on here have haircuts alot worse than that. I bet if any of you met him in real life and he showed you it you'd laugh and joke about it, i doubt any of you would have the balls to call him a pillock for no good reason... not having a go, just saying
  4. get that chinese dude to do you something. no offence if he's not chinese it's been a while since i was on here. he was in new members last time i saw him and did some vector? stuff on people photos.
  5. i hate you, i played this game until 2 yesterday morning against my brother and some other randomers, and for 5 hours tonight, just doing the drifting on that race track, i even made my own skin
  6. yeh, charel said it better, i have a habit of skating around the point. another question, what would happen if i went around the world and destroyed every copy of every religious book/scripture/teaching, ever made?? would people just forget about religion altogether, would they remember it and re-write it, would god reappear and re-teach us all the ways of life, would even a new religion start up? religion is all in the mind, its here becasue we keep it here, its still impossible to explain nothing, and when we die, we can't imagine just seeing/feeling nothing, becasue after all how will we know, what does it look, sound, feel like? noone knows, and certain people don't want to know, they can't deal with it, so of course they say, "no, when we die god will appear and we'll all live happily ever after". OH AND FAMILY GUY ON CH2, IT'S A GOOD ONE, YEHHHH!
  7. Well, i tried to think, i really did, but i was too busy being in pure shock as to how deeply you believe in this stuff. Can you honestly say you can read that post back and think, "yeh i'm making perfect sense"? I seriously can't believe you believe it all, and even call it the TRUTH. I obviously can't piss on you god fueled bombfire but all i can say is.....wow, you really can't see any flaws or inconsistencies? any impossibilities or just plain made up nonsense? I'm not saying don't believe in God, but am i the only one that reads/hears about parts of the bible and just laughs at how rediculous it sounds? I woudn't be suprised if someone, somewhere alters parts of it every year to make it even more rediculous just for the laugh. wha? god gave us what now? do you belive in evolution then or not? do you think humans are the perfect creation and that our intelligence, concious mind and thought processes were all blueprinted and mapped out? Cos if i was going to create a race it would be a hell of a lot better than what 'god' has 'given' us. riiight, now it gets to the point of crazy talk. who says it's the truth? what exactly makes it the truth? the truth is something that can be proved with facts, something which the bible hasn't got at all. Tell me, why have we never found the cave that jesus was ressurected from?, why have we never ever dug up anything, or even got any of the famous artifacts that appear in many of the tall tales in the bible in safe keeping, becasue they never existed. Its like trying to prove that Harry Potters goblet of fire is real, that i can walk down to the local museum and see it. Or that i could perhaps buy dorethy's magic slippers on ebay, becasue after all, they are 100% real. Its a FACT that throughout history, mankind has invented explainations for things they can't explain any other way. Medical conditions were based on evil sprits until scientists proved that they were physical illnesses and could be cured through medicine. Natural disasters were blaimed on the gods, as a way of cleansing the earth of all the bad people. The bible is just another explaination for the previously unaxplainable that has snowballed and got out of hand. It has been disproved so many times, in so many ways, i think it's time to move on and stop living in a dream world. Its human nature to feel insecure about death and so on, beliveing in god helps people cope with bad experiences, which is a good thing, but preching as if it's the law and that it's real, is just plain stupid. I obviously ain't going to change your ways, and you aren't going to be able to turn me mentle enough to believe the Bible is 100% factual,, but i just hope you have realised how unhealthly stupid it sounds. and.. "(I strongly advise that you do!)" why did you say that? what will happen if i don't believe, like i haven't done for the past 8 years or so? Will my soul be in torment for eternity? becaue i certainly won't be able to feel physical pain after i've died and my stone cold body is 6ft under. Or better yet, what do YOU believe will happen if you don't believe what the bible says? Do you really hink Hell is real? Its just a scare tactic made up to stop people doing bad things, like toppiling the monarchy waaay back when the church had all the power. Please, stop deluding yourself, it's hurting my mind. oh and just to finish off... HAHAHAHAHAHA! OMGOD (pun intended), that's some funny shit.
  8. muslims are too uptight, if they can't take a joke that's their problem, do they really, really care what the danish think? i bet half of them hadn't even heard of Denmark until the last couple of days. and i'm with rowly, why can't people take a joke? are they scared that they might find their whole lives are based on lies? people need to learn how to swallow their pride every once in a while. its only a cartoon stereotype after all, its not like they assasinated anyone. And burning flags is wrong and very nieve.
  9. i can't really be bothered arguing this anymore, but i just wanted to point out you can't say something like that with no evidence. there is plenty of evidence in the Bible itself (both new and old testament) which contradicts itself, escpecially on the subject of homosexuality and on sex itself. One part even talks about offering your daughter for sex instead on your guest, because he is a guest afterall... (i forget the exact wording). anyway, i've spoken about this sorta stuff with many people, i failed RE becasue i just voiced my own (contarversial) opinions in the exam, rather than putting what they wanted me to put. I've also found that the people who strongly believe in the bible/religion are people who got it forced down their throat at a young age, and when pulled up on many parts of it they have no comback, or just say something like "that's what God wants" or "no one can explain the ways of God"... Their are also the people who have a near death experience or see and angel or something and turn to god as a result, but they just come across as disalusioned hippies that just talk about hos lucky they are. meh, maybe i'm the disalusioned one and i'm gonna pay for saying all this, but somehow i doubt it. jesus shaped potatoe chip anyone? oh wait no it's obviously a sign from god, lets hang it on the wall at out local alter. (as if the most powerful being know to man would come in the form of a crisp or damp stain ) oh and anyone read the papers? blairs religiuos hatred bill failed to pass so i guess it's ok to hate religion afterall.
  10. go for a buggy, you'll regret having a car. you can run a buggy anywhere you want, it's just as fast if not faster, a lot harder to break and loads more fun. i got 3, although 1 is kinda collectable and i never run it: all 3 are tamiya, Dyna strom Top Force Top Force Evolution They just re-released the Top Force so you can pick one up for £80 ish. or if you want nitro, got for some hyper 10 thingy, can't remember the exact name but they are popular and very quick.
  11. i don't really care what they say, but i hate it when they are really really long or they have emotions in. is there anyway to turn emotions off in names? so i can't see them. it's also annoying when people don't put their actual name anywhere in the display name, so i gotta go by email address or search my entire list. And then half the time they change it every 2 hours or something so yet again, i can't find anyone. meh, i don't even get on it much anymore anyway. plus its shit.
  12. ALOT of christian/catholic churchs/schools (especially in America) dictate to young children about not having sex before marrage, not getting pregnant, not having abortions etc. They use scare tactics in the form of satan and hell to scare children, that is a form of psycological abuse, a lot of people are scared for life as a result of being taught about hell at a young age. And what about muslims being brainwashedinto serving allah by suicide bombings, yes its the extreme end of religion, but its religion all the same. Pope?? he's a religios leader, one of the richest men in the world, absoluteley untouchable, if you get to close in the 'wrong way' you'd be hung in most countries. What about that doctor in the US who performed abortions that was murdered by a religious fanatic. He said taking life was wrong on the part of the doctor, yet he took a fully grown mans life who had a wife and children, and had improved many people lives through his work. Bit of a massive contradiction don't you think? And at the end of it all he still protested his innocence becasue he did it in the 'name of god'. Yet, if god is so great why didn't he just let God deal with the doctor when he died? There are so many contradictions and flaws in religious preaching/beliefs it just simply annoys me. I believe strongly in telling the truth and living by the truth, so people who base their entire life and even their actions on unproven fiction, to me, is amazingly nieve and ignorant. And when they go as far as to kill a man for being 'wrong in their eyes' and 'in the name of God', that just defies words. Sure have your fictional beliefs, even live your life by them, but don't shout about it and certainly don't act on other people becasue of it.
  13. If you really think about it, we all only have 'freedom of speech' up to a certain point. There is no real freedom of speech. To me that's almost as much bullcrap as religion itself. If i was a hitler worshipping nazi and i stood in the street preaching about nazi beliefs, i would be arrested and everyone on earth would probabaly hate me. However how is that any different to preaching religion? Every religion is predudice against certain groups of people, and if they aren't entirely they contradict themself somewhere along the line (chrstianity on homosexuals for example). I could easily make up my own religion and call racism and cultural predudice my beliefs, the same way that catholics are against abortion. However i would probabaly go to jail. Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying everyone should follow science and live their life by strict rules, but if you believe something, just believe it, don't tell everyone else about it, as-if you are too insecure to believe it all by yourself. I have loads of different theories and beliefs about what could be real, wha could be fake, what happens when we die, what i WOULD LIKE to happen when we die, but i don't grab my meaphone and 'protest' about how others have lost their way becasue they don't agree with me. If someone asks i have a good conversation about it and swap ideas, i don't cry becasue i'm the only one that thinks that way. If people want to listen, they'll ask, no matter what the subject, imo religious preachers aren't 'spreading the word of god' they are making themselve feel more secure by getting sheep to follow them. Or in the case of the middleages and so on, getting peoples respect using the fear of god, to make them richer in society. Religion is a tool of profit.
  14. RicH_87

    The Uk

    funny that, most americans i've spoken too think scotland and the british isles is the same thing. plus, anyone seen the latest family guy episode? quite a large part of it is dedicated to taking the piss out of the english. i guess the majority of them are just jealous.
  15. lol^ Anyway, i don't think people should be allowed to preach religion, people should be made aware of it i guess, but from then on it's their own choice. Religion to me is a load of bollocks, faith and beliefs are good, but the bible etc is a load of toss, and i think everyone knows it, but perhaps are too afraid to say so just now. oh and "The aim, with a 100,000 pound budget, is to establish new courses that will train experimental, mobile priests to swap the pulpit for the pub"....wtf? i ebt half the rappers - skaters would much rather have a shiney new recording studio/skatepark, than some pillock in a dress telling them how to live their life. ban religion.
  16. sweet pics of some mint riding, my fave is probably no.11 (Up to bench, gap up to rail) cos of all them peeps in the background watching. ace.
  17. i love the way they put a small child towards the end of the lineup. safe. must of been going fassst to clear em all the same.
  18. if it stops people pissing in the street then its all good, wonder how much it can actually handle though, doesn't look very big, and who emptys it? plus i can see a lot of them being stolen and dumped in rivers and shit. btw, did anyone see that public toilet in the papers a few months back which was made out of that mirrored glass, where you can see out while you're taking a shit but people can't see in (apparently). I'd be well paranoid sitting in there. .... found some pictures HERE
  19. haha naa that's ok, got enough chocolate off santa to last me 'till next xmas. could do with a new car though, and i've heard that puppies make good prizes too...
  20. i just saw a xbox 360 Hardrive on ebay for £250BIN. as-if anyone is going to pay that, its only 20gb which is even rumoured to only display 13gb. Plus in a month or so everything will be back to normal, and the people who are paying loads too much will feel really stupid.
  21. Yo, i didn't get mine either (gameplay aug 22nd, order 91 i think) anyway, looks like it might be next jan by the sounds of things, however OLLY if you could keep this updated with any info you hear from game on 2nd shipment i'd mucho apperciate it. Anyway, i got pgr3 (a lot of use with no actual console) and my new 32" HDTV should be here on tuesday, so i'll be all set for some winter gaming if microsoft decide to ship a decent amount this side of the 25th.
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